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Mav.... short.

"Hey ugh I never asked your name," Mike said as Lucas and Dustin left the Hilton girl's basement. Mavis walked over to sit next to him as he talked to the girl. She looked at him before pulling up the sleeve and showing them a 011 tattooed on her arm. Mavis looked at it in awe, wishing she had one.

"Is that real?" Mike asked while leaning for it, making the girl jump back and Mavis to wack his arm.

"Sorry I just... I've never seen a kid with a tattoo before," Mike said to her with a small smile.

"I think it's cool" Mavis spoke up as she frowned her eyebrows.

"Cool?" the bald girl asked with a confused look, making Mavis give her an odd look.

"Yeah cool... I just mean that I like it" she shrugged as the girl smiled slightly and looked down.

"What's it mean? Eleven" Mike spoke up as she pointed to herself, making the two friends share a look.

"That's your name?" Mavis asked her as she simply nodded.

"Cool," Mavis smiled again.

"Cool," Eleven said back in confirmation.

"Well ugh, my name is Mike, short for Michael. Maybe we can call you El, short for Eleven" Mike spoke up as Mavis couldn't help but smile. El nodded before her gaze went to Mavis as she nodded her way.

"Oh, I'm Mavis" she spoke up as El stared at her.

"Mav... for short?" El asked as she focused on her words.

"Yeah! Sure, sometimes people call me that. Whatever is easier" Mavis nodded with a bright smile.

"Mav" El said again before looking down into her lap.

"Well, night El" Mike spoke as he stood up and Mavis lead him toward the basement steps.

"Night, Mike" El said, making Mavis smile as she stopped at the door.

"Are you sure this is safe? What if something bad happens?" Mike asked while looking back at his only lady friend.

"Nothing will, I'll be fine and so will she. See you in the morning and please don't wake up my Mom" Mavis said as Mike nodded and opened the top door silently,before he looked back at her hesitantly. Mike sighed and shut the door behind him.

"Okay, um are you hungry?" Mavis asked the girl as she walked down to her, only to get a confused look.

"Do you want some food?" she asked her as El shook her head.

"Tired" she spoke up with one word as Mavis's eyes widened.

"Oh, right. Well, I could make you a bed down here if you want to... I've got sleeping bags" Mavis said as El blinked.

"Alone?" she asked the short girl in front of her as Mavis swallowed.

"Do you want to be alone?" Mavis asked as El quickly shook her head.

"Well okay... you can come to my room. Just be quiet, okay? If my Mom find out you're here she'll put you back outside and sent me somewhere bad" Mavis said as El put a finger to her lips to indicate she understood. Mavis lead her up the stairs, careful to stay silent as she passed her drunken mother on the couch. When they entered Mavis's room, El smiled as she looked around.

"Do you like it? I know it's kind of a stereotype for girls to love pink and I absolutely hate stereotypes but... I do like pink" Mavis smiled as El felt the softness of her comforter before she crawled in, closest to the wall as Mav stood there.

"Mav" El said as Mavis looked over at her, only to find El giving her a weird look.

"Is something wrong?" she asked worried as El shook her head and patted the spoke next to her.

"You want me to sleep next to you?" Mavis asked, making El nod again as Mavis nodded and got in on the open side.

"Is it okay if I turn the light out? I keep the small one on up there so it's not completely dark" Mavis said as she pointed toward the neon pink light-up sign that hung above Els's head. The bald girl nodded as Mavis shut off the light, leaving the room to illuminate a dark pink color. The two laid down as El stared at Mavis, making her feel uneasy.

"Comfortable?" Mavis asked her as El ignored her before speaking up a few seconds later.

"Pretty," she said while pressed her index finger to Mavis's forehead and then retrieving it.

"Really? You think so?" Mavis smiled as El nodded.

"You- you are too," Mavis said back as El gave a simple smile and turned the other way. Mavis cleared her throat and turned on her side, feeling El's cold legs against her own. Mavis shut her eyes until they shot back open when she felt El turn around and curl up against her back.

"El? Are you okay?" Mavis asked as the girl curled her body up into a ball pressed against Mavs back.

"Cold," she said as Mavis nodded and turned around to face her again.

"Here, body heat is the fastest way to warm up," Mavis said while she tangled her legs with El's and wrapped her arms around her, which just resulted in her head laying on the skinny girl's chest.

"Better... Mav" El said as Mavis smiled and shut her eyes with a single thought in her mind.

She all of a sudden really liked being called Mav.


cuddling baby's under lesbian lighting

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now