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"How about this one?" Mike asked while showing Dustin the rock he found.

"Too big for the sling, do you think Eleven was born with her powers like X-man, or do you think she acquires them like green lantern?" Dustin called out as the four searched for more rocks.

"She's not a superhero, she's a weirdo" Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Lucas, shut the hell up! The X-men were weirdos" Mavis glared at her best friend, who stood up straighter to look at her.

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" Lucas teased Mavis while getting on one knee, making Mavis shove him away.

"Leave Mavis alone, you don't know what you're talking about" Mike quickly stood up for her as Lucas gave him a look.

"Mike, seriously?" Lucas asked in disbelief while Mavis crosses her arms.

"What?" Mavis shot back overly annoyed.

"You look at her all like 'Hi El, El, El, El I love you so much would you marry me'" Lucas mocked in an overly drawn out girly voice as Mavis rolled her eyes, looking away slightly hurt.

"Shut up Lucas," Mike said back to him, catching the redness form on Mavis's face.

"Yeah shut up Lucas," Troy said as he approached the four with James by his side.

"What are you losers doing back here?" Troy scoffed as he eyed all four of them.

"Probably looking for their missing friend" James laughed as Mavis glared.

"Shut up, you milk sob" she glared at him as Lucas gripped her forearm.

"That's not funny, it's serious, he's in danger" Dustin glared at the two bullies who shared a snicker.

"Hate to break it to you Toothless, but he's not in danger, he's dead. That's what my Dad says. Said he was probably killed by some other queer" Troy said as Mavis grinded her teeth, causing her nose to twitch in anger.

"C'mon, just ignore them," Mike said while leading them away.

"Probably by his Dyke best friend," James said as Mavis looked his way, just as Troy tripped Mike, making him bust his chin on a rock, while the two walked off. Mavis glared as she stormed after them before Dustin stopped her.

"Mavis don't, it's not worth it," Dustin said as she sighed and looked back to Mike as Lucas helped him off the ground.

"You alright?" Mavis asked him with softer eyes.

"Yeah," he said while touching his bloody chin.

"Hey, how bout this one?" Dustin smiles while picking up the rock Mike hit, causing the boy to grin. The encounter far from his mind as Mavis threw her arm around him.

"Yeah, yeah this is it," Mike said with a smile as he looked down at the rock.

"Yeah, this is the monster killer," Lucas said as he grinned ear to ear making Mavis laugh before they set off toward the power lines.

"El, you okay?" Mavis asked her as she saw the odd look on the girls' face when they approached, she nodded.

"Hop on, we only have a couple of hours then we can go back home," Mavis said while she helped El on the back of her bike with a small grin.

"Home," El said as Mavis nodded while El wrapped her arms around her waist before the five biked off.

"Why do they hurt him?" El asked Mavis as they walked side by side. Mavis gave her a confused look before the bald girl pointed to Mike, who was walking a few feet in front of them.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now