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Three Months Later.

The Byers were moving. With Hopper gone, Joyce was taking El with her, taking full responsibility for the girl now. The mindflayer was gone, they got the gate closed that day that haunted everyone's memory nearly every second of the day.

El sat in her room, her friends helping everyone pack up the house in the other rooms. She was struggling to get a teddy bear Mavis won her at a carnival on the front shelf, a knock on her door made her look over.


The Hilton-Sinclair girl barley made it through but somehow got through it alive. She was pronounced dead for two minutes, the doctors somehow being able to get her heart started again and stop the bleeding. She wasn't exactly the same though, she still walked with a small limp due to not wanting to deal with the crunches the hospital gave her. She had a large scar, which she actually thought was badass despise the sore feeling she'd get.

"Need some help?" she asked as El gave her a small smile with a eyebrow raise.

"You shouldn't be here, you're supposed to be resting." El said as Mavis smiled and walked over toward her slowly.

"I know, but I had to come." the short girl said as she wrapped her arms around Els shoulders as hers went around her waist softly.

"How's it feel?" El asked, rubbing a hand over the place Mavis got hit by the mind flayer.

"Pretty sore, i'm getting use to it though. The doctors say I can be back on my feet soon, just have to take it slow." Mavis said as El nodded with a sad look.

"You better, i'm serious." El said as Mavis nodded and rested her forehead on Els.

"I don't want you to go." Mavis said as her voice broke, making El rub her nose against hers softly.

"I know." she whispered back, moving her head as they hugged tightly.

"You'll come to thanksgiving, right?"El asked as they pulled apart.

"Yeah, yeah my Mom says it's totally okay. And for Christmas you could come back down here maybe, Will and Carrie too. Christmas would be really cool because we could like built snowmen and have presents to look at like a new bike or- jesus I sound like a little kid." Mavis stopped herself from rambling with a small laugh as El giggled.

"I like presents too, i'll be here." El said as Mavis smiled.

"Cool." she said as El hesitated before spreading up.

"Back at the cabin, is heard what you said." El said as Mavis's eyes widened and her face flushed.

"O-oh, oh you don't have to say anything. I'm sorry if that was was totally weird and I-" Mavis began but was cut off by El pressing a kiss to her mouth quickly.

"I love you too." the taller girl said as Mavis blinked.

"You do?" the short girl asked as El nodded with a smile, making Mavis giggled and lean into her again. A small knock made them turn around quickly.

"Sorry to interrupt, I have something for you." Joyce said as she looked to El before handing her a small letter.

"Take it easy, Mav." Joyce said to her as she pressed a hand to the side of her face, making the young teen nod with a smile.

"Do you want me to stay?" Mavis asked as she watched El looked down at the letter.

"I should do this on my own, i'll see you in the front?" El asked as Mavis gave a small smile of reassurance and walked out of the room slowly, passing Mike who gave her a small grin. Mavis walked into Carries room slowly, watching her pack small pictures into a bag.

"You better hang those on your wall at the new house, and don't take them down when you make a new best friend." Mavis said as Carrie turned back to her with sad eyes.

"I could never have a new best friend, you're the only one i'll ever have and the only one i'll ever want." Carrie said as Mavis let more tears fall down her face, wrapping the girl in a tight hug until Joyce called for them to leave.

"Call me everyday." Mavis said as she hugged Will as he squeezed her.

"I'll see you later, Mavey Wavey." he said while turning away before she could see his sad face. Mavis hugged Jonathan once again and doing the same to Joyce, who kissed her forehead. Mavis hugged Carrie once again, pressing two kisses to each of her cheeks as they broke apart.

Mavis and El couldn't let go for what seemed like forever, holding onto each other tighter then they had before. El pressed a soft kiss to her lips before pulling the small compass out of her back pocket.

"So I can always find my way back to you, remember?" she asked as Mavis smiled, remembering the day she told her that when they were searching for Will.

"Always." Mavis said to her as they hugged once again before the pink haired girl helped her into the large moving truck, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand before shutting the door.

Lucas helped her on the back of his bike, making sure she was okay before he road off down the road. Once the siblings got home, Mavis rushed for her room quickly, ignoring the worried looked she got. She fell on the bed and hugged her pillow close to her body, the sadness taking over her as she looked at the spot in the pink bed El use to lay.


this is the end and i'm so insanely sad. i'll be back for season four my loves, thank you for you all the support i've gotten on this book and i'll miss it so much!
until we meet again! elvis forever.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now