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Should I Stay Or Should I go

"El, could you please stop" Mavis sighed as the girl continued to mess with the walkie-talkie, Mike sitting on the couch while Mavis sat in the chair. Mike rolled his eyes, still annoyed with the girl but Mavis needed someone that understood what she was going through and no way was she gonna just leave El alone. The bald girl stopped at the voice of Mavis but continued a second later, making Mike groan. Mavis sighed as she stood up and joined his side, dropping her head onto his shoulder while they looked down at some of Will's best drawings.

"You know... after my brother died, Will filled that void for the longest time. It wasn't the same but it was close... now he's gone too" Mavis whispers as Mike leaned onto her more too. El frowned her eyebrows at the two before looking back at the walkie.

"Are you deaf? Stop it!" Mike yelled at Eleven as she snapped her head up.

Mavis sighed.

"I thought we were friends! And friends tell each other the truth and they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there but he wasn't! He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't, you hurt me understand? You hurt Mavis, won't that get your attention? You hurt her too! What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you" Mike glared at her before Mavis elbow him with a shake of her head as the boy sigh and fell back onto the couch.

"Should I stay or should I go" a voice came in through the walkie as El looked up at them. The two friends rushed over as they listened for a moment more, hearing Will's voice sings the song he always did. El passed it to Mike as he gasped.

"Will is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy?" He shouted into the walkie as Mavis watched with nothing but hope in her eyes.

"Will are you there? Will!" Mike yelled into the speaker again as Mavis sighed, realizing he wasn't gonna answer. She grabbed Mike's forearm to stop him from touching the button again. She then noticed the blood dripping from El's nose, using her sleeve to quickly wipe it off the girl before it stained.

"Was that- was it-" Mike tried to get out as he looked down at El, who gave a small smile.

"Will," El said up at him.

"We keep losing the signal but you heard it right?" Mike asked Dustin and Lucas as they joined them in the basement later that day while El tried to find the channel that connected them to Will again.

"Yeah, I heard a baby" Lucas said as Mavis gave him a crazy look.

"What? No, it's not a baby" she shook her head from where she sat by the only other girl in the room.

"Mavis, you guys clearly tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburn's next door" Lucas said as Mike jumped in quickly.

"Ugh did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!" Mike yelled at him as Lucas gave him a look.

"Mike-" he began but was cut off.

"Lucas you don't understand! He spoke last night! Words, ask Mav! She was sitting right here. He was singing that weird song he loves" Mike said as Mavis nodded.

"Yeah the one Jonathan showed him, even El heard him," Mavis said while pointing to the girl next to her.

"Well if the weirdo heard him I guess-" Lucas began but was cut off by Mavis tackling him to the ground.

"Are you sure it's on the right channel?" Dustin asked Mike while attempting to break up Lucas and Mavis, who were currently wrestling behind him while shouting hurtful words at each other, even though they didn't mean it.

"I don't think it's about that, I think somehow she's channeling him," Mike said while pointing to El as Lucas somehow got Mavis off of him and he sat up. El looked toward Mavis as she stared at her, blood dripping from her nose as the brunette suddenly was pulled to sit next to her once again. The four all held a crazy look at that but El just sat there as if nothing happened.

"Like Professor X," Dustin said in awestruck.

"Are you actually believing this crap?" Lucas asked the boy with a look of disbelief on his face.

"I don't know, do you remember when Will fell off his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that" Dustin said to him while looking at the walkie again.

"Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water, he's dead!" Lucas shouted, feeling guilty after as he saw Mavis flinch. El put a hand on hers with a satisfying nod when Mavis locked their fingers.

"Maybe it's his ghost, maybe he's haunting us," Dustin said, trying to find a way to meet in the middle about this.

"It's not his ghost" Mike shook his head once again.

"And how do you know that?" Lucas asked with raised eyebrows.

"We just do!" Mavis shouted at him.

"Then what was in that water?" Lucas asked her in a loud tone of voice.

"I don't know! All I know is that Will is alive! I'd know if he was dead okay? I would know" Mavis said as Lucas sighed. After Mavis's brother died in a car crash and her Dad got taken to prison days later, all Mavis had was her Mom, who nearly immediately went off the wagon and got lost in drugs and alcohol. It made Mavis closer with the boys in a way, they became her family. Will knowing how to speak to her best was usually someone who Mavis went to when she was sad.

"He's out there somewhere, all we have to do is find him," Mike said while looking at each of his friends, who looked at El. She began to mess with the walkie again, attempting to find the channel from before.

"This isn't gonna work. We need to get El to a stronger radio" Mike spoke up as Mavis nodded her head, now to drained from the arguing to say anything.

"Mr.Clarkes heath kit" Dustin pointed out as Mike nodded his head.

"You think Wills in Australia?" Mavis asked with a look as the boys sighed.

"The heath kit is at school, there is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing," Lucas said while looking at the bald girl.

"I mean... look at her" Lucas said while waving his arms toward El, who looked up with an immediate stare of insecurity. Mavis punched Lucas in the shoulder, causing him to groan and glare her way.

"Shut up Lucas! El is beautiful, stunning even" Mavis shot back at him as El smiled slightly her way.

"Don't worry, it's just gonna bring out more beauty. It's not to hurt you" Mavis said to El a few minutes later after they locked themselves in the bathroom to do El's makeup. Mavis softly touched the girl's face, applying little to nothing on her face, considering she already thought El was stunning.

"I-I'll turn around, I um... I thought the color would look nice on you" Mavis said while handing El the pale pink dress and turning away with a red face.

"Pretty?" El seemed to ask as Mavis turned back around to see the girl in a blonde wig and the dress from before on.

"The prettiest" Mavis admits while El looked at her with a smile. The two stared at each other for a moment before a knock was heard at the door.

"You guys almost ready?" Dustin asked as Mavis sighed while El grabbed her hand and lead the two out of the bathroom.



𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now