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I love her

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Excuse me, where do you think you're going?" the loud woman in the front desk of the hospital asked as she stopped the group that were subtly trying to get back.

"Oh um, I was just going to visit my grandma again. And- and this is my family." Nancy said innocently as she stumbled over her words, looking back and now realizing there were a lot of them.

"Extended." Lucas said to the woman with a smile as she locked eyes with Mavis and shot her eyebrows up.

"Extended family that graffitied my car a few weeks back? Two visitors at a time." the woman said as the group all glared at Mavis as she sighed.

"Graffitied her car? Mav, what in the hell?" Max asked as the four girls sat in the waiting room together.

"Oh, shut up Max." Mav said with a eye roll.

"Ugh okay, i'll remember that next time you're the reason our plans go to shit." the redhead added in as Mavis crossed her arms.

"And i'll remember that next time you want me to key someones car for you or sneak you into my house so you can suck face with my brother." Mavis added in as Max went to argue again, being cut off.

"Guys! I know we're all tired and we all have our reasons to be mad but let's just stay calm, okay? Nancy and Jonathan can handle this." Carrie spoke up as they fell silent until Lucas walked over.

"Hey Max, wanna head to the vending machine?" He asked as Max shot up quickly.

"Please, i'm starving." she said while following after him, Mike subletting came over and sat next to Carrie, who gave him a odd look in the corner of her eye. El and Mavis shared a knowing look before they locked hands and hurried to go around the corner.

"Think they'll work it out?" Mavis asked as the two walked down the hallway with connected hands.

"Maybe, hopfully." El said with a shrug as Mavis nodded her head, their voices echoing in the hospital.

"Mav." El said as she grabbed the girls arms to stop her from walking, "Panic Attack?"

"Are you having one? I can get you-" Mavis began in a panic as El shook her head quickly.

"You said it at Mikes, you get them?" El asked as the two sat down with their backs against the wall.

"Sometimes, they aren't as bad as they use to be." Mavis explained while she played with her hands.

"What is it?" the taller girl asked her girlfriend curiously as Mavis sighed and ran a hand through her bright hair.

"It feels like a weight is just sitting on your chest, it's all you feel. Sometimes it's worse for others, mine just feels like the world starts spinning and I can't breath. My brother use to get them before he passed away, it's a family gene I think. It's not so bad anymore though, now that i'm with you." Mavis said as she rested her head on El's shoulder as El put a arm around her.

"I am glad we're still together." El said after a few seconds, making Mavis frowned her brows and sit up to look at her.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we still be together?" Mavis asked as El sighed and turned to her better.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now