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"Okay remember, if anyone sees us, look sad," Mike said to the group as they walked into the school. El held onto Mavis's hand in a comforting way, she looked at Mavis's darker pink dress then back at her lighter pink one. Mike began tugging on the AV club room door.

"It's locked" he sighed while looking back at his friends again.

"What were you expecting it to be? Opened?" Mavis asked him a disbelief as Mike rolled his eyes at her.

"Hey, do you think you can open it?" Dustin asked El while Lucas started to tug on the door.

"Leave her alone," Mavis said as she swatted Dustin's hands away as his hands shot up in serenader.

"Boys? Mavis?" Mr. Clarke's voice was heard, making them turn around quickly with a gasp.

"Assembly's about to start," their teacher said, eyeing each of them.

"We know, we're just... you know" Mike lead on before Lucas cut him off.

"Upset" he nodded as Mr.Clarke frowned.

"Yeah definitely upset" Dustin agreed.

"And we needed alone time, together" Mavis added while pushing El a bit behind her, even though it was no use considering the, now blonde, was taller.

"To cry" Dustin finished off as Mr.Clarke gave them a sad look.

"Listen, I get it. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will huh? And then, the Heath Kit is all yours for the rest of the day" Mr.Clarke said as he dangled the keys in his hand as Mike grinned.

"Oh, I don't believe we've met, what's your name?" Mr.Clarke smiled as he looked at the girl behind Mavis.

"Elev-" She began but was cut off.

"Elenor!" Mavis shouted over her causing Mr.Clarke to jump slightly.

"She's my ugh-" Mike began to make an excuse.

"Cousin!" Lucas shouted, finishing for him.

"Second cousin" Dustin grinned while going along.

"She's here for Will's funeral," Mavis said with a fake sigh as Mr.Clarke nodded.

"Ah well welcome to Hawkins Middle Elenor, I wish you were here under better circumstances," Mr.Clarke said to her with a kind smile as El watched him for a moment.

"Cool," El said as Mavis shut her eyes in embarrassment.

"Thank you" The blonde quickly corrected herself.

"Where are you from exactly?" Mr.Clarke asked after hearing her broken English.

"Bad place-" El began to say the wrong words again before she was cut off.

"Sweden" Dustin said to him,Mavis looked back at El with a small smile.

"I have a lot of Swedish family" Mike nodded his head, hoping they covered the story well.

"Even though he looks irish." Mavis cleared her throat.

"She hates it there" Dustin pointed out.

"Cold," Lucas said as he rubbed his arms.

"Very cold, so we warm her up as much as possible" Mavis said with an awkward laugh. She grabbing Els's arm to drape over her shoulders as Mavis hugged her waist.

"Subzero" Dustin said up at the man. who gave them all an awkward look and swallowed.

"Shall we?" he said while motioning them to the gym.

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now