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Missed you

Mavis cried as yet another needle pierced her skin as she was tied down to a hospital table. The nurses of the mental institution chattering about her behind their masks, not bothering to wipe the blood that was slightly dripping from the multiple needle piercings.

"Take her away." one of the women said, Mavis couldn't move. Her body was numb and her eyes were falling in and out of sleep. She could feel her body being lifted off the table, having no energy to fight back. The whimpers that left her lips every step they would take, her body limber than before.

"Stop." she somehow got out, being throw into the cell-like room with the cold floor. Mavis couldn't help but cry, cry as she became more and more limb on the floor of the room. Mavis felt her eyes start to close, not having any control over trying to make them stop, she let them close.

As hours passed, Mavis slowly began to wake up. She could hear the animal-like yells from the people in the cells around her, scarring her more and more as the minutes passed. She backed herself up into the corner, bringing her legs up to her chest.

Mavis hummed the beat of Hungry Eyes, trying to silence her cries. The words were shaky through her weak voice, cries, and whimpers. She jumped as she looked up and saw the two doctors there again.

"No! No!" she yelled as they grabbed her arms and tried to drag her away, her energy up more than before. She trashed around, slowing them down a bit more. She got a look at the room they were dragging her to, the shock room. Her yells became scared now, she was scared.

"No! Get off me! Let me go!" she yelled, using her hands to grab the doorway to try and stop herself. She screamed loudly when they yanked her hard enough as she let go. But then sometimes strange happened, something that made Mavis's heart jump out of her chest.

The two men let her go, grabbing their necks in pain. Mavis stumbled to stand back up and back into the wall, watching as some invisible pull snapped their necks in half. Mavis breathed heavily as she pushed some of the pink locks out of her face before she turned out of the room. Down the long hallway, she saw a figure, a too familiar figure.

It was her. It was Eleven.

She had slicked-back hair, cuffed jeans, and a black button-up. Mavis could feel herself smile as she cried, El doing the same as she ran down the hallway. Mavis did the same, cursing how obnoxiously long the hallway was.

El reached Mavis fasted then she did, wrapping her in her arms as they hugged. The cries of both of them echoed through the hallway, holding onto each other as if their life depended on it. And in some way it did. El pulled away first, wiping the tears in Mavis's eyes.

The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out.

"Mav," El whispered as she sniffled and grabbed the sides of her face. Mavis looked up at her, impressed at how much she'd grown. At least three or four inches taller than Mavis now. And then El took her by surprise completely.

The taller girl leaned down, pressing her lips to Mavis's. Their kiss was long and drawn out, savoring it as if it would somehow disappear. Mavis felt every emotion hit her at once, hoping when they pulled away, El would still be there. And she was, also holding every emotion in her face.

"Your hair," El said as she looked at the pink locks, making them laugh through their tears again, wrapping each other in their arms again.

"We've gotta go, come on," Mavis said, wrapping her hand in El's and running down the hallway. They made it out quickly, jumping into one of the vans.

"Buckle up, I'm bad at this," Mavis said as El quickly buckled her seat belt, putting a hand on Mavis's arm to stop her from driving. Mavis gave a confused look before El leaned over and buckled her seat belt for her.

"Safety." the short-haired girl said as Mavis smiled and kissed her once more before driving off, swerving awfully.

"Where'd you go? I called you every day, did you get them?" Mavis asked as they went down a less busy road, finding a good pace at driving.

"Three hundred and fifty-three days, I heard you," El said, holding onto Mavis's hand on the console.

"Why didn't you answer?" Mavis asked her softly, rubbing her thumb on the back of El's hand.

"Hop, he says not a good idea," El said as Mavis frowned her eyebrows.

"You were with Hopper? This whole time?" Mavis asked, El nodded sadly and holding Mav's hand tighter.

"I missed... you," El said as Mavis smiled and nodded her head.

"I missed you... and I like your new look. Kinda hot." Mavis said, making El laugh and nod.

"Bitchin," she said, causing Mav to laugh again.

"I like yours too," El said as she motioned to Mavis's hair.

"I figured you would." Mavis smiled as they arrived at the Byers's house.

"What is that?" El asked as she grabbed Mavis, pushing her behind her as they saw an animal-looking thing.

"What the hell?" Mavis asked as El tilted her head down and threw the animal through the window.

"Well, that works," Mavis said, grabbing El's hand as they rushed to the door. The taller girl unlocked the doors with her powers, walking in with Mavis's hand in hers. Smiling softly as she saw her friends standing there, looking at them.

"Mav? Mav what happened?" Lucas asked making Mavis rush into his arms and hug him tightly. Mike rushed to El, hugging her tightly.

"My Mom... she sent me back," Mavis said as Lucas frowned and hugged her tighter.

"Mavis and I, we called you. We still had hoped you were out there, why didn't you come back?" Mike asked El as they pulled apart.

"Because I wouldn't let her," Hopper spoke off, getting a glare from Mavis as she went to El's side again, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"You had her? You had her this whole time!" Mike yelled at Hopper, making the chief grab his arm and pull him away.

"We missed you." Lucas and Dustin said as they hugged El.

"Missed you," El said back to them.

"Where's Carrie snd Will?" Mavis asked Joyce, who frowned.

"Resting, sweetie. Are you okay?" she asked her as Mavis shrugged.

"I will be," she confirmed while walking over to the group again, seeing El touch Dustin's teeth before Max walked over.

"Eleven? Ugh, hey I'm Max. Mavis has told me a lot about you." Max said with a smile as she held out her hand to the girl. El looked at her with a glare.

"It's Mav." she correct the redhead as she latched onto Mavis's hand and pulled her away.


Elvis shippers... it's been confirmed!

𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒| Eleven Hopper/ Jane HopperWhere stories live. Discover now