To Pasaana!

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"Commander Po," one of the Rebels passing by stopped looking at him. "the Phantom's ship are clossing in."

Behind them was a huge black ship in the shape of a hollow disk. Inside the disk, held by serveral huge, strong-looking poles was a black box that they guessed was the main control deck. "Send out all our X-wing pilots. I want them to find a weak point and strike it, we mustn't let them follow us." He demanded.

"Follow us where?" A lady in charge of the controls asked.

"To Pasaana." With that he walked away. "Commander in cheif, Zar is in charge until I get back." A man slightly older than Po nodded and gave a quick solute before taking position up front.

"So what are we dealing with?" Rey and Fin both joined Po as they headed towards the loading deck, behind them BB-8 rolled across the ground making panicked noise with R2-D2. Ocassionally, the ship would rock one side and then to the other but by now nearly everyone was used to it. "It's a single D-patcher."

"Wow." Fin gasped as they entered the loading deck and saw the giant ship. "That's a big ship."

"Alright listen up!" Po called as everyone was settling into their X-wing's. "The sooner we destroy the main control deck the merrier so take out the pipes holding it in place!" All pilots, including Rey and Fin, nodded. "Come on BB!" Po called and the droids wizzed in his direction.

"Guess it's you and me R2. Let's go." Rey said leading the droid and helping it into the fighter plane. Once in herself she fired up her engine. She felt the familiar rumble and her mind wandered to the last time she was in one of these.

She'd flown Luke's ship to Korriban to fight her grand-father. Supreme Emporer Palpatine and the last of the Sith. There she had fought with Kylo bravely until he'd-

"Rey come on!" He thought were intruppted as she hastly zoomed off into the starry space. The whoosing and whizzing noises rung in her ears as she made her way to the D-patcher's control deck. "Now let's do this quickly." Po's voice could be heard on the radio con.

Taking a deep breath she lined up with four other pilots and fired at one of the poles. They were thicker and harder to break than she expected and he thumb soon got soar while pressing on the firing button. They were about half way through it when one of the fighter ships next to her exploded in a great cloud of fire and metal. 

"Damn it!" she muttered as another on the end exploded and she soon realized that the D-patcher had dispatched a squad of fighters themselves. "Don't worry we got you." Po continued as he zoomed past and struck one of the ships, two went after him but one stayed trying to hit another x-wing. 

"We need to take that one out." Rey called to Po.

"No Rey, I'll be there soon. Just stay and finish the job." He replied.

"Po I can't just sit here and-"

"Stay where you are Rey. That's an order!" She hardly heard his last sentence as a rebel U-wing's lazer blasted the enemy fighter. 

"Don't worry fella's I'm here." Fin's smug voice could be scratchly heard on the radio and rey couldn't help but smile as the pole broke and the main control deck set on flames. 

"Let's go!" Po ordered and the fighters flew next to the transport ships. "Get ready to go into lightspeed heading to Pasaana." Rey fiddled with the controls. "In three, two, one!"

All that could be seen was blackness and white starlike shapes zooming behind them as they travelled across space with lightning speed..

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