Welcome Back to Pasaana

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"He's what!" Poe's voice cracked over the intercom.

"He's here, on Nal Hutta." Finn had seperated himself from the others and was currently flying the ship towards the Rebel's new base. "Ren's currently locked in one of the Falcon's rooms."

"And you think that'll hold him?" Poe asked, not convinced.

"No... but it's the best I've got for the time being. I'm bringing back his lightsaber now."

"How did he find you?"

"I... I think we have Quin to thank for that." Finn clutched the controls.

"Quin? Does that mean they know?" 

Finn was silent then he replied. "No, I don't think they do... Quin claimed she saw him in..."

"In a... what?" Poe seemed impatient.

Finn sighed. "In a vision. She stole the lightsaber and claimed to have seen him when she touched it." Now it was Poe's turn to be silent. "Poe?"

There was a crackled sigh. "I'm not surprised. Are you?"

"No, not really. Just... nervous."

Quin listened from the hallway, trying to make sense of everything. Know what? What did she and Reuven not know? She decided to join her brother at the Holochess table.

His head was in his hands. Neither were in the mood for a game, but Quin turned on the table. She looked at the hallway leading down the opposite side of the ship. Where the strange man was being kept. His lightsaber was with Finn again.

Reuven glanced at the tiny monster chess peices as they snarled, gurgled and screeched waiting for one of them to move. The whistling of lightspeed rumbled through the ship but soon it stopped and she could feel the ship slow.

She had flied in a ship once before, when she was a baby. But it was her first time flying that she could remember, yet she hardly noticed. A loud clang could be heard and the ship shook once. Finn came down towards them. "Get your things, we're here. I want you behind me at all times."

"Why?" Quin asked.


"Why? Is the Rebellion gonna hurt us or something-"

"Enough!" He shouted and Quin bowed her head in silence. Finn went towards the room the man was locked in. "Quin, just do as your told for once." Reuven rubbed his forehead before getting up.

The two had nothing to bring out with them. All their belongs, including Quin's energybow, was back at Nal Hutta. Quin missed her weapon. It had been the only thing she own that was worth something to her. Her hand went to pocket and she felt the thin photo and sighed. Well, maybe there was one thing.

She followed her brother to the door and watched as Finn brought out the man, his hands were cuffed tightly behind his back. He looked at the twins as he passed by. Reuven stood protectively in front of her as Quin watched with sorry eyes.

"Let's go Q." Reuven held out his hand and she took it. They followed them outside and blinked in the sudden light. Finn looked around the desert of Pasaana, at where it all started. Where Rey had passed away minutes after-

His thoughts were distracted as he turned around. Reuven and Quin had both taken a few steps into the sandy group. Reuven and Quin had never felt ground so dry and grainy before.

Finn smirked for a split second before he noticed his prisoner smiling too and his face went dark before he moved the sand underneath him, revealing a small metal circle with a handle out the top. He clutched the handle and turned it to the left. There was a short yelp.

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