High General

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An alien woman stomped down the hall of the huge warship, heading for the control room. All the Captain, Phantom Guards and Fleet Drivers looked up at his presence.

The woman was tall, thin, with bright red skin and red tentacle-like hair. Her eyes were big and completely black, her face painted white. She was dressed in a crimson uniform, with a golden cloak to show off her high status.

Her expression was blank and stern. "High General Koraben." One of the captain's, bowed to show his respect. "It is an honor to have you aboard our ship."

The High General lifted her red hand cutting him off. "Enough with the sweet talk Captain. What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

The two walked towards the window. Below was the sand planet that they had tracked the Rebels to. "Tracking Kylo Ren's lightsaber was successful. We are leading a base attack on them now."

"I've read the report Captain." She grumbled, her beady eyes watching the planet below.

"Yes, but recently we lost all signal with the tracking chip. My guess is that they destroyed it."

"And?" She was impatient and this made the Captain sweat with worry. "Captain you are wasting my time. I don't give two bantha ticks about your tracking chip." She turned towards him, under her cloak a double bladed lightsaber could be seen.

"My apologies General, it's just that we worry that the lightsaber may be gone. A Corellian YT-1300f light freighter escaped, who and how many passengers were on board, we have no idea. But it flew in a different direction to the other Rebels." The Captain seemed to gain some confidence as High General Koraben turned back to the window.

"And where is it now?" Her voice was controlled and suddenly the confidence he gained evaporated as he realized she might be more angry than she was letting on.

"We don't know. We lost it in all the commotion- Ah!" He choked as he felt himself being flung to the side and smashing into one of the control panels. Suddenly he was on his feet again being dragged to the open hand of the High General. Her completely black eyes seemed to stare into his soul.

"We need, that lightsaber!" She spat between gritted teeth. "I have orders from the Phantom Leader herself!" The alien lifted him above the ground and pulled his face close to hers. "Without that lightsaber we cannot finish what we started!"

"We'll get it back in no time. We have spies."

"Well then I suggest you use them." She dropped him leaving him gasping for air on the ground. She turned walking towards the door in fury. "Search the base! Find that Freighter and get me that Lightsaber!"

Reuven paced inside the hut. Although they had learned of the Phantom's plans a few days ago, tensions were still high. "And how did we get roped into this?"

Quin shrugged. "Because Reu, it's our destiny as Jedi-In-Training-"

"We're not Jedi-in-training." He continued to walk back and forward.

"Speak for yourself." She crossed her arms. "Aline actually has offered me training. I've learned a lot already." Aline had been training her every morning and afternoon, though Quin had yet to tell her brother what she was training for.

He stopped. "Wait, so for the last three days we've been here. You've been Jedi training."

"Yep." She leaned against the back of her bed.

"But... I thought Jedi was more spiritual. All I've seen you two doing are punches and kicks and stuff." Quin rolled her eyes.

"One, that 'stuff' is important in war and two, Aline said she would teach me more spiritual stuff sometime soon." 

"So have you lifted a rock or something yet?"

"No, unfortunately not. Haven't actually tried." She got up walking out.

"So when do you make a lightsaber?" He asked.

"Really? You used to hate the idea of us having Jedi blood. Now you want to know all about my training?"

"I didn't say that I thought you'd actually become a Jedi. I was just wondering about the process." He said in his defense following her outside.

"Gee, thanks." She said with sarcasm.

 Ben had been kept on the ship ever since they'd learnt that the Phantom had somehow brought him back to life. Quin was the only one who actually liked talking to him, she seemed to be able to connect with him better than the others. Her mind wandered as she headed towards the ship, the afternoon sun shining in her eyes. "So I'll see you around?" Rueven interrupted her train of thoguht.

"Sure." She waved but just before she could get to the Falcon, Aline called her name.

"Come on Padawan." She smiled and Quin ran to her, nearly forgetting what she had originally planned on doing.


"Today our training isn't going to be just punching and kicking and stuff." Aline imitated Reuven's voice and Quin giggled.

"You heard that huh?"

"Every word. But he's right, it's about time you learn the spiritual side of the force." She led her to a remote part of the forest, a small cliff below was a sea of trees stretching out past the horizon. "Sit." She ordered tapping on a place by the edge of the cliff.

She did as she was told looking up at Aline. The young Jedi was actually quite beautiful, with her long blonde hair and fair skin, sleek body and bright eyes. "Alright now, close your eyes and reach out."

Quin chuckled. "What is it?" Aline asked.

"I just was just thinking what if I actually reached out." She lifted her hand and reached out as if trying to grab something in front of her.

"I heard your mother did that once. And not just for a laugh?"

"Really?" Quin looked back up at her smiling.

"Stay focused." Aline ordered and she shut her eyes trying to take her training seriously. "Now reach out with your feelings..."

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