This is Yours... Right?

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(Just want to say thank you to those who have stuck with me through the last nine chapters)

Everything had seemed to go in slow motion. They had been making their way back to the Falcon. The streets were no longer safe so they had to take the long way through the swamp. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and Quin's mind had wandered off into space and had zoned out of the awkward conversation Reuven was having with Finn.

Since they no longer had a home Finn said he would take them back with him to the rebels and then decide what to do with them after he dropped of the package which was slotted into his belt. She had zoned out when Reuven finished apologizing for everything and started to ask what was to happen next. Finn was walking quickly, he looked nervous as if he was in a rush.

Her eyes had rested on the package. Her mind was wizzing with questions. What was it? Why was it so important and why was Finn so desperate to get it back? Who was that man she had seen? Why did she feel like she should know him? And how did she see anything in the first place?

Sometime during her long thoughts she had missed Reuven shouting. Suddenly the mysterious object Finn was carrying dissapeared from her view. She blinked and saw Finn land on his side on the ground with a echoing thud. Reuven had landed a little way away and sat in the mud looking at his attacker.

Her body went stiff and no matter how much she tried she couldn't get herself to move quick enough. She just stood there her eyes wide and blinking. Finn had gotten and swung a punch. It was only now that her mind finally returned and everything sped up.

She ran to her brother's side, helping him up. She turned around. Finn was fighting a man. He was greatly taller than Finn, quite fit and was around the same age as him. It was hard to see much through the darkness but she could see that he had jet-black hair and his skin was pale making him almost seem like a ghost. He moved lightly on his feet dodging Finn's punches before knocking him back.

Quin watched as Finn stumbled back and fiddled with his belt pulling out his blaster but the man was faster and knocked it out of his hand. "What did you do?" The man yelled not even noticing the twins stand behind them.

The man only looked away from Finn when he saw the black object that had flung away from them and was sticking out of the swampy water. Quin followed his eyeline and dashed towards it, just as the man took a small step toward it. "Quin-" Reuven objected trying to grab her hand but missed.

She yanked the object out of the swamp and then turned and faced the man, her eyes angry. But then she stopped. It was the man she had seen before. In her 'so called vision'. He didn't seem to recognise her as he continued to look at her with annoyance and anger.

"Give it to me." He held out his bare hand for the object. Quin looked at the object and held it closely to herself, not willing to give it up. Finn was back on his feet and tackled the man grunting.

The stranger twisted Finn's arm forcing him to release his grip and through him into the mud. Quin flinched. The stranger them began to kicking Finn before pulling him up and pressing him against a dead tree, his hand in a fist. "She was dead. Where is she now?" He growled.

Finn spat at him. "I don't know what you're talking about." The man was so angry he was shivering as he lifted his fist pulling it back.

"No!" Quin yelled running forward. 

She had no idea what she was doing, all she had on her was the object the man had so desperately wanted. He had turned around after hearing her scream, watching her come towards him. As if by memory Quin found herself holding the long side of the object and her thumb moving to what felt like a button. She pressed it and heard a large buzzing noise.

In surprise she stopped running, skidding to a stop and looked down at her hands. The object had come alive, resembling a sort of sword. The blade was blood red and seemed to be made out of some moving electricity. It had two little blades just like it patruting from the side. She could feel the heat come off the blades in waves, making her face hot and causing her to blink her eyes. 

She held it down, away from her face. She glanced at reuven who looked just as surprised as her. Finn had been her nearly only source of information on anything about the First and Final Order's reign, but she wasn't stupid and knew almost immediatly what the device in her hand was, once she activated it.

"Why were the Rebels protecting a lightsaber?" She thought. It was too big for her hand and it was surprisingly heavy and she couldn't keep a good grip on it. She looked back at the man when he activated his own lightsaber. It was obviously to small for his hand, it looked lighter and the blade was slightly small and thinner than her's.

He turned it around expertly in her hand, as if accepting a challenge if she was offering one. Her stomach did a flip but if there was one thing she had learnt from her time in Nal Hutta, it was to stand your ground.

He easily went into a perfect fighting positon while she stood awkwardly with the enormous lightsaber which was nearly her size, using both hands she swung it. He easily blocked it and kicked her in the hip. "Gah!" She said as she tumbled past him.

He turned around and swung at her, their lightsabers collided but it was hardly a herioc block from Quin. Her saber was easily tossed away and diactivated before it fell on the ground. She walked backwards in fear.

Finn had gotten up. "No-" He ran forward but with a toss of the mans hand, Finn was pinned on the ground. Quin's heart raced in her chest so loud it was the only sound she could hear. How had he done that?

He walked forward. He took a step closer she took a step back. Just then, she tripped backwards and as she did tried grabbing onto the closest thing. which just happened to be the mans shoulder. "Gah!" She hung on and watched with confusing as he froze.

His eyes widdened in surprise and his mother opened slightly. He looked as if he had seen something he hadn't noticed before. "Rey?" He mumbled and Quin got to her feet, just as someone collided with the man sending him sprawling to the ground. He turned over and looked up, still surprised.

Quin looked at Reuven who was clutching his shoulder, which he had used to knock the man over. He looked at her and Quin looked nearly as surprised as the man. "Stay... away from... my sister... creep." He said between breaths.

Quin smiled in a humorous way. It amused her how unlike himself he was being. The man had deactivated his lightsaber and flicked his hand. Finn quickly got up. The invisble power that had been holding him down was gone.

Scrambling, he got his blaster and pointed it at the man. "You kept them?" The man looked from them to Finn. "You kept them... alive?"

"Shut up." Finn cut in and immediatly the twins felt as if they were no longer a part of the conversation. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot your ass for everything you've done. You should've stayed in the ground."

"Finn, do you know him?" Reuven asked standing protectively in front of his sister who rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "Who is he?"

The man once again looked between them before getting up, Finn's blaster still pointing at him. "You didn't tell them about me?"

"It's your fault they're in this situation in the first place." Finn growled.

"Is it?" The man walked closer.

"Stop moving!" Finn hissed but the man didn't seem to care for the blaster, it was almost as if he welcomed it.

"I know you." Quin said looking straight at the man and the two met eye contact. His eyes were no longer angry when he looked at her. Only full of regret and loss. She slowly crouched down, the man's eyes followed her, and she picked up the black lightsaber. "This is yours right." He held it out for him.

He looked down at it and took it turning it in his hand. "It was." He mumbled before looking up. "How do you have this?"

"Oh. Long story." She looked at Finn who was glaring for her to stop talking to him and walk away. But Quin couldn't shake the feeling that this man wasn't a threat. "I'm Quin by the way. Quin Rothger and this is Reuven, my brother."

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