Blind Senses

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16 years later...

(Think of this as background music/ the music I listened to while writing this chapter)

Quin shifted slightly, her muddy brown cloak helped her to blend in to the swamp scenery perfectly. Each step was perfectly balanced and easily adjusted to the uneven ground. The hunters expert eyes scanned the area in search of movement, even the small bend of one of the many dead branches that decorated the barren trees of Nal Hutta.

Unless you'd grown up there, which she had, many would get lost in the endless swamp full of dangerous critters, sink holes and hard terrain that looked almost exactly the same. At least it would seem that way to most, but Quin knew every rock, every pool of gas spitting ooze by the back of her hand.

A heavy green fog covered the endless bog. Last time she had returned empty handed had not ended well and she still had a thin red mark on her back to prove it. Nal Hutta was the home of the Hutts, who had 'graciously' allowed her and her brother to stay, as long and they did what was asked of them.

For Quin it was mostly to scavenge and collect of food for the Hutt's and their vicious appetite. While her brother, Reuven, worked as a general technician or the occasionally catering boy. Her pack was filled with roots and ferns. On her belt, there were plenty of small creatures, some furry, some slimy but all dead and tied tightly to her side.

In her hand was a long curved bit of metal that resembled a bow but with no string or arrows. There was no sound, nothing at all. Quin rumaged through he satchel and pulled out a ling peice of cloth and slowly wrapped it to cover her eyes. She always felt that her senses inhanced when she stopped using her eyes. But it wasn't just her senses, she could feel the presence of the creature but only if it was close by. Sometimes she could even tell its size and power and was almost always correct.

Her brother had always admired her gift to sense things, most people shouldn't. Hardly ever had anyone been able to sneak up on her. It was like she was a radar scanner, once someone was in her radar, even if they were behind her she knew they were there.

As she squats there waiting, the familiar feeling comes again. It was almost like heat wave, but instead of heat it was as if she could feel the life inside of it. She called her energy radar. Her brother thought it was stupid but she couldn't think of anything else to call it.

The creature was small, though healthy. It moved quickly, so quick it was hard to keep focus on its position. Instinctly she flicked a switch on the side of her metal weapon and instantly a bright purple, holographic string appeared and once she put her hand on it, a thin arrow slotted comfortably into position.

She pulled back the string to her energy bow, a weapon given to her by a friend that she never left without. Taking one last breath she aimed and released the arrow and waited for the sound of two thumps. One from when the arrow hit and when the critter fell.

Thump! She pricked her ears and then heard a slightly lighter thump.

Taking off her blindfold and jumping down, she edged her way closer making sure the creature was dead by pressing down harder on the arrow. No reaction. Moving swiftly she attached the three eyed and tailed frog to her belt like the other. Thinking it was enough she walked back through the fog.

Her mouth and nose was covered by a metal mask that went up to just below her eyes. She wore an old white singlet and long black pants tucked into her boots. On top she wore an old jacket that has been torn until it was a midriff. What ever colour it was before was hard to tell seeing it was covered in brown, black and dark green stains.

She had strapped on two spike leather shoulder pads and had the hood pulls over her head. She had found most of her clothes while raiding through the bins outside of the small, crowded room she and her brother shared with about ten other slaves and workers of the hutts.

A hoverbike, old and looked like it had been repaired many times due to all the different shaded parts, rested near a dying tree. She attached her things to the back and drove off quickly reaching what looked like a huge tree that had been cut down and then the stump had been used as a base for a large circular metal mansion.

 She attached her things to the back and drove off quickly reaching what looked like a huge tree that had been cut down and then the stump had been used as a base for a large circular metal mansion

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She parked by one of the doors leading from the roots and into the stump. A few humanoid bounty hunters stood outside, the male ones gave her sly smirks and one even move his hand toward her lower half as she passed by. At that exact moment her hand wiped out and grabbed it before he could touch her.

She held it tight glaring at him. The Bounty Hunter looked quite surprised by her reflexes. She shoved his hand away and continued to walk away. The Bounty Hunter's friend's chuckled making him turn red as he stomped towards her, his fist clenched. She gasped as she felt a hard force push her over so she landed face first in the mud. "Augh." She spat out the disgusting liquid that tasted slightly of oil.

She bent to get up and as she did stuck out her foot and swung around, knocking his feet out from under him. He landed on his knees and she got around him pulling out her deactivated bow and using the long metal bit to press tightly against his throat as if to choke him.

The Bounty Hunter gave a few sharp breath, struggling. "Little Bitch!" He spat, trying to losen her grip. She flinched making it slightly tighter and whispered in his ear.

"Call me a bitch one more time, and I'll show you what a real one is." She hissed. The other Bounty Hunters stood crossed armed, none of them moving to help their companion and none of them laughing anymore.

"Quin." Quin turned her head around as she heard her brothers voice. He was standing half out of the doorway, looking at the Bounty Hunters and then her. His face unreadable.

There was a small silence before she let him go, leaving him on the ground gasping before stumbling up. She put her bow, back in its holding on her back and walked inside after her brother. As they shut the door the Bounty Hunters grinned again. "Shut up." He groans rubbing his neck.

"Looks like someone got their ass handed to them by the Rothger's." One of them grinned.

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