Purple Lightning

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The machine whirred to life creating a sharp blade-like sound. Everyone except for Aline, who was grinning her arms spread wide in triumph, covered their ears from the noise. Suddenly it was as if they had walked into a storm. Strong winds blew at the almost making Quin tumble over. Each of the Sith Master's crystals rose into the air and hovered above the Rejuvenator. "We have to shut it off!" Koraben cried above the noise.

"Tarkins Teeth! You think?" Quin shouted sarcastically. One of the crystals lit up and holographic-like version of Darth Maul stood before them. It was like he was a ghost that every second was becoming more and more human. 

She heard the whistle of her father's blaster going off. But the blast went right through him. Then the undead Sith raised his hand and Ben went flying against the wall. The rest of them looked at Ben how quickly got up. "Well that ain't good." Reuven gulped.

Another crystal lit up and this time Count Dooku appeared in the same ghost-like manner and Maul. Both raised their hands and The four all went sailing back hitting the wall and staying there.

Quin like a spider catch in its own web. The crystals growing on the cave walls glowed and vibrated wildly. "Gah!" She blinked tears of pain away from her eyes as her back smashed into the stone wall.

Next crystal, Ghost Palpatine glared at them but didn't join Maul and Dooku as more Sith appeared. Some of which Ben didn't even recognize. "Welcome back, my brothers and sisters!" Aline beamed excitedly like a dog whose master had just returned from work.

Each one of the prisoners fought against their invisible chains but none could break through it. Fear flashed in the twins eyes as they reached for each others hands and then giving up unsuccessful. 

Aline walked up to them but seemed to beam more and Palpatine. "My emperor," she bowed. "I am Aline, Phantom Leader of the newest republic. It is an honor to be in your presence."

The emperor didn't pay any attention to the smug girl, his eyes only stayed on Ben. Hatred boiled behind those bright yellow eyes. Aline continued and little deflated. "Darth Sidious, as you can see I brought you an offering."

Her hand motioned them like they were nothing but dirty womp rats. "You probably recognize Ben Solo. These here and his and your grand-daughters offspring. Quin and Reuven... sorry what last name are you going by now?"

The question made Quin's hands go into fists as she refused to answer. He brother did the same but his expression wasn't of anger. It was of fear, confusion and possibly loss.

By now all Sith masters were helping in keeping them in place. Quin's eyes look from left to right at their little band of unlikely heroes. Two ex-Sith's, a Jedi-in-training and a boy with a blaster. "Do with them what you will." Quin hissed at Aline who only smirked in reply.

Darth Sidious raised his old opaque hands from their tips lightning poured aiming at them. It lit up the cave in deadly flashes of deep blue. Quin had never felt such pain in her life.

It for a second when the lightning first hit it felt good, like energy was rushing through her veins but then that energy began to burn. She gave a quick cry of pain and force herself to looked at her brother. He had his eyes shut but he opened them as the Quin reached out her hands for his.

They both grunted and winced in agony before their hands locked together. Quin shut her eyes, but even then she could see the lightning in the darkness. "I love you." She thought the words as loud as she could trying to thrust them over to her brother.

"I love you too." He replied in her mind and she looked at him her brown eyes met his slightly darker ones. She felt a surge of power. But not from the lightning, it came from where their hands were held together.

A quick glance and she knew he felt it too. Their bounds felt lighter and together they looked at Palpatine who had been cackling in glee. His smile faded when he saw that he lightning no longer reached his enemies. It had hit an invisible barrier that prevented it from going any further.

Behind that barrier the twins stepped forward no longer bound in the Sith's chains. As they walked forward slowly the barrier kept its place. 

The power, the force rolled off them in gushing waves. Together they flicked their hands to the left and watched as all the Sith followed its movement like puppets. Aline stood by her machine, fear mixed with horror burned in her eyes.

As time seemed to slow down around them, Reuven and Quin glanced at each other. Her brother gave a small smile which Quin happily returned. Their held hands began to spark as Reuven gave her a short nod.

The lightning of their sibling bond crackled inside of them like a bright fire which did not burn. Quin's hand raised slowly. She did not thrust it like her great-grandfather, instead she waited for the lightning to come and grinned when it did. A purple bolt crackled and shot itself at the Rejunvenator. The machine hissed and bits began to fly off as one by one the crystals fell to the ground and shattered.

"No!" Aline ran to save her machine but a quick flash of violet jolted her back. There was only one crystal left and Quin gasped before pushing her brother out of the way. Blue lightning struck her where she wasn't prepared.

"Quin!" She couldn't tell who it was that yelled her name as she crouched on her knees. From her hands her purple lightning was spurting everywhere. Palpatine growled low. Quin's body once again burned. "No!" She shouted and pushed herself off the ground while aiming one hand at her relative and another at the machine.

Lightning clashed as she sensed her brother, father and Koraben were huddled in the corner unable to help. Quin screamed and pushed her energy both ways before she heard the sound of the machine exploding. In an instant, Palpatine was gone. Just like the rest of the Sith, he had vanished.

"Quin!" Reuven hugged her but Quin's mind was elsewhere. "It's over. We won-" She didn't hear the rest as her body went limp.

Everything turned black.

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