Gorg and Huttese Ale

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Reuven admired his sister's confidence, but occasionally she'd get carried away. At first it would frighten him to see her choking a trained Bounty Hunter, but he knew she would never go so far as to kill him. Although it was her job she'd never hurt anyone without a good enough reason.

The Rothger twins had lived in Nal Hutta since they were babies. The two had been brought here by Finn, there only friend other than each other. Finn was famous for being apart of the battle and defeat of the Final Order. 

Reuven led his sister through the dark thin tunnels leading into their masters residence. Finally the two ended up in the kitchen, chef were busy cooking but that was no surprise to them. The Hutt's were always hungry and would throw a party nearly every day. "How was the hunt?" He asked making small talk as the two went through their usual reutine of untying and preping the meat for cooking.

This included skinning and washing the meat in a mixture of salt and water before hanging it up in the freezer to cool. "Fine, didn't find anything big though." She untied the string around her belt she had used to hang her kills and placed them on the metal table.

The two got their knives out and a chair to sit on and began to expertly skin the meat. The two didn't talk as they did and Quin's eyes wandered around the busy kitchen. In one corner two men were mixing and pouring a bright yellow, fizzy liquid into huge metal mugs. Then every few minutes or so a green skinned woman would walk in to collect the liquid which smelt like it was burning.

It was called Huttese Ale, a delicacy of the Hutts. It smelt disgusting, but Quin had wondered what it actually tastes like, though she never dared to even take a small sip. Last time she had stolen something from the kitchen hadn't gone down well and she had a long thin scar down her back to prove it.

The one thing that fascinated her most of the strange drink was that fact that you had to drink it quickly. If not the ale will literally burn your mug like acid. Hencewhy why the woman would returned with a few mugs with sizzling holes in them.

"Hey Kids." Both sibling's turned around at the same time to see a familiar face standing in the hallway leading to the entrance they just came from.

"Finn." Reuven smiled getting up and the two warmly hugged. Quin finshed up with what she was doing and grabbed her saddlebag, before following the two further down the corridor. It was too thin for them to stand next to each other. Although he was younger Reuven was a bit taller than Finn already while Quin was just about his eye level.

The two had always thought of Finn as their friend but also there part-time guardian. He would visit when he could, but with the war against the Phantom's raging on he mightn't see them for aleast a year or so. Completely, forgetting what they were supposed to be doing they all walked down the corridor, laughing and catching up on missed time.

Finn spoke about how they had narrowly escaped the Phantom's army once and how Poe has sent Finn away to protect and hide an object they had wanted for some reason. "What is it?" Reuven asked as they walked out towards his ship. The Millennium Falcon.

Finn shook his head. "Sorry, can't say. It's a need to know thing and-"

"And we don't need to know." Quin finished his sentence making a pouting face. "Come on Finn."

"No, I have strict orders." They all bourded the Falcon. Reuven was flooded with memories of Quin and his playing and running around the ship when they were younger.

"How long will you be staying?" Quin asked looking around. 

"Few days at the most, I'll be leaving after tomorrow night." Finn's things were packed in a small brown duffel bag by the holochess table. The Rebel hero noticed the two glancing at it and chuckled. "Go ahead."

The twin's grinned at each other taking a seat on each side of the table. "I'll find a place to stay for the night."

"Good luck with that." Quin smirked sarcastically. Once he had left Reuven fired up the game. Their games were always quite quick with Reuven winning most rounds. Quin was good with quick, surprising moves but Reuven had battle strategy on his side.

"Gah!" Quin gave an exasperated gasp as Reuven destroyed her last peice. He put his hands behind his head and gave a fake yawn. She laughed for a second before looking at the Falcon's entrance door. Finn still hadn't returned. 

"Where do you think he is?" She asked with her brother set up another game. He shrugged.

"You and I both know Nal Hutta isn't a welcoming resort." He didn't look up but focused on his peices before making his first move. He looked up to see Quin still looking at the entrance, but she looked as if her mind was wondering off. "Quin?" 

"Huh?" She blinked.

"Is your mind still in the spaceship?" She smirked waiting for her move impatiently.

"Oh, sorry." She looked at the board, still not concentrating but then she got up.

"Q?" But she wasn't listening instead she walked to the controls of the space ship and looked out the window. There was no one around, the ship had been nearly expertly hidden in moss and fog. Reuven threw his arms up in annoyance before getting up and following her, shutting the game off as he did.

"Come on." She motioned her brother as she looked around the control's, chairs and walls.

"What?" He watched her as she pressed her hand against the ceiling.

"Help me find the thing."

"What thing?" She gave him a kidding look.

"The thing he was hiding from the Phantom, Bucketbrain!" She carefully ooked around the controls again.

"One, stop calling me that. Two, don't you think something someone hid should- you know? Stay hidden!" He raised his voice slightly, his tone senseful.

"Stop being a baby and help me find it." He put his hand through his black hair, pushing it away from his eyes nervously.

"Finn could come back any second-"

"My point exactally. But if you're so worried then keep look out-" She stopped as she slid her hand under the controls, her face changing.

"I'm just saying. If that Phantom wanted this... 'thing', then it must be important... or dangerous!" He looked a little panicked as he paced to the corridor and stopped looking down it.

"Reuven." She murmered softly.

"If Finn catches us ransacking his ship he'll gut us." The teenager had his back to his sister.

"Reuven." She spoke again her voice slightly louder.

"I mean, if you would just stop and think about what your doing... a-and think about the consequences-"

"For Galaxay's sake Reuven! Will you shut up and look?" He turned around about to add on to his previous sentence when he stopped. In his sister's hands was a black object placed on top of a cloth which he guessed it had been previously wrapped in.

"What the hell is that?" He asked looking at the cylinder that was in the shape of a cross. Quin looked at it. The object looked foreign though felt familiar as if she had seen it before. "I don't know." She replied, her eyes never leaving it. 

"Quin, put it back." She didn't react as if she couldn't hear him. She held it under the cloth but for some reason didn't dare touch it with her bare hand. "Q, Finn's coming. Put it back!" She looked up to see Reuven looking at her, as if she was insane to still be holding it.

"O-okay." She nodded, blankly. Reuven walked out and Quin look once more at the object and wrapped it back up. Then she quickly, yet gently, put it in her saddlebag. Reuven and Finn were talking when she reached them. "Hey Quin, what were you up to?" Finn asked casually though she could sense his suspicioun. 

Reuven gave her a worried look, his hands both tucked into his jacket, a thing he did when he was nervous. The jacket was Finn's, originally given to him by Gerenal Poe, though it had, had a few holes in it which they gladly sewed shut. "Toilet." She calmly shrugged and Finn gave her a raised eyebrow. "Girl's gotta go, when a girl's gotta go." She said walking closer towards them.

Finn didn't ask anymore questions and the three walked out of the shapeship.

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