Patience Is Key

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"It's almost funny how desperate you are to be reunited with your beloved." High General Koraben gave a baleful laugh of amusement. Ben's tired eyes were full of hatred for the smug Phantom General. "I should've known the Phantom would stoop as low to start using Sith's." Her black eyes looked him up and down and she grinned.

"Yes, you should've known." She sat down on a metal stool that had been place in front of him. "Now, as much as I'd like to stay I have things I must attend to so let's make this quick. Where is your lightsaber?"

"As if I would know."

"But you should. I mean it is your lightsaber. You can sense where it is sure enough. You are the fearless Kylo Ren are you not?"

"That's not my name." He hissed. He wasn't restrained on a metal chair instead he was on the ground. Chains were attached to his arms, legs and even one around his waist, each one was bolted hard into the wall.

"What? You mean that everyone actually calls you Ben Solo now?" She almost looked surprised but the uneasy expression on his face gave her more confidence as she continued to smile. "No they don't. I'm right aren't I?"

"I don't care if you're right. I'm not telling you or your apprentice anything."

"What you mean Aline?" She said her name as if it brought her nothing but pain. "Please, she couldn't do an interrogation to save her life." He couldn't tell if she rolled her eyes or not, there was barely any white only darkness. "Besides, Aline has been having trouble accessing the spiritual side of the force. But every cloud has its silver lining, you just gotta know where to look."

"Guess her silver lining isn't her spying abilities." He smirked as she grimaced.

"Aline doesn't have much patience or sense of timing. But enough about her. Why don't we talk about you kids huh? If you can't sense where you lightsaber is, surely you can find them right?" He looked at the ground.

"Reuven doesn't use the force. As for Quin she's too far away." He tried shutting down her question.

"Excuses, excuses." The Sith tutted getting up from her seat and pacing around him slowly. "You don't seem afraid to give away their identities."

"Figured Aline would've told you by now."

"She did." She bent down lifting his face with her hand, forcing him to look at her. "At least me and Aline can agree on one thing."

"And what's that?"

"That it was a such a shame what happened to you. You know, once a upon a time I could think of nothing better than meeting Kylo Ren?"

"Sorry to disappoint you." She flinched and stood up. 

"I'll leave you to think of your options. Who knows maybe we might find some leverage to help... convince you." With that she stormed out of the room.

"Anything?" Aline had been leaning against the hallway walls.

"No, but give him time." The General didn't stop as she continued walking down the hall. "I have a job for you."

"Anything Master Koraben." Aline smirked flicking her hair back.

"How are your tracking skills coming along?"

"Getting better everyday. Why?" Aline looked at her teacher curiously.

"I need you to track down our prisoner's offspring. Alive preferably." She opened a door after turning to her apprentice. "Can you do that?"

"With pleasure." Aline stood proudly.

"Then do it. I need leverage. And if that daughter of his has as strong a connection with his lightsaber as you said she has, we can't afford it to stay in her possession any longer."

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