This Isn't You

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Reuven was surprised to hear Harrison speak, but he sounded more angry than worried.

"I mean she's gone. I've checked the whole ship and I still can't find her."

"Sir." A woman had mounted one of the many computers in the room. Poe walked over. "There was an unauthorized launching of an x-wing fighter in sector 6."

"Damn it Quin." Finn muttered.

"Where is she now?" Poe remained as calm as he could.

"I don't know. She has completely disabled any possible way to track her." The women typed on her computer before giving up.

"We have to find her. What if she's going to the Phantom?" Reuven felt sick with worry.

"Not possible. We don't even know where they are." Poe walked out of the room and both Finn, Reuven and Harrison followed close behind.

"She could be warning the Phantom." Harrison grunted in his usual deep voice.

"For once in your life Harrison stop being such a piston-head?" Finn eyed the pilot.

"We have know idea where she is though we know she needs to find the Phantoms coordinates first before she can do anything." Poe led them off so they could all talk alone.

"Unless she already knows where they are-"

"Shut up Harrison!" Reuven might've smiled as Finn snapped at Harrison, but he was too nervous.

"When did she leave?" Poe asked Reuven who was ringing his hands.

"Not long after the meeting began. I went to the bathroom, came back and she was gone. So was he clothes and..." He drifted off as if realizing something.

"What is it?" Harrison clenched his fist.

"Kylo Ren's lightsaber was gone as well." He looked down as if guilty.

"Perfect!" Harrison threw his hands up exasperated.

"She could be anywhere by now." Poe rubbed in between his eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" Reuven eyed Harrison who looked as angry as ever.

"There's nothing we can do. Other than try to find the Phantom hopefully we'll find some trace of her." The General began walking away but Finn grabbed his arm.

"Poe please."

"I can't do anything else Finn. I'm sorry. We'll just have to hope for the best."


Ben woke with a start. He shivered from the cold as his eyes adjusted to the gloom. The room was black. No it wasn't a room. It was a cave. No forget a cave, this was lair. There was barely any light yet the place seemed familiar.

He finally recognized where he was when he noticed the giant stone throne in front of him. He was on Exegol. This was the exact place he and Rey had faced Palpatine. Where he had died giving his life to Rey. But how was he here?

It took him a while to remember it all. But the moment he did he heard movement a jumped in surprise. His hand moved to his waist by pure reflex searching for a lightsaber, he didn't expect to find one but somehow he did.

The red streak shot up from the handle and he stared at it in confusion. His old lightsaber! Had they taken it? If so why had they left it with him?

He looked down. He was dressed in his old garments. The ones he'd worn when he was known as Kylo Ren. He turned his head to where he had heard movement. "Who's there? Come out into the light where I can see you!" A figure moved in the shadows, edging towards him slowly moving gracefully across the ground.

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