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Quin had seen death before. Back in Nal Hutta servants and thief's were executed all the time. But it was nothing like this. Harrison's death was unexpected. She had hated the man. He had tried to kill her mother, father and even her but he was still resistance. No one should have to die like that.

The closet room was cold and quiet. The darkness seemed to swallow her as she sat slumped on the floor, her arms wrapping around her legs while trying to stifle her sobs. In the few minutes she spent in the closet Quin tried to remember why she was here.

She'd come for her father... or had it been a teacher? Is that what she wanted? It didn't matter, who ever was left of her torn and battered family was in the cells waiting for their interrogation or... execution.

A new feeling mixed in with her sadness. It was anger and determination. Getting up she heard her own shallow breathing in the darkness before he legs struck out suddenly. The crashing of mops and other cleaning utensils made her ears ring. With her gloved hand she thrusted the door open and watched as a group of Phantom guards flinched.

Without even so much as a glance in their direction she stormed off down the hallway, she had no idea where she was going but she heading towards the cockpit. The self-opening doors slid apart. Inside all the generals, commanders and High General Koraben were gathered around a long hologram. High General Jern looked up as she entered.

"There you are. We could find you to tell you there was a last minute meeting." His yellow eyes again seemed to look into her soul. But this time he did not sense worry or confusion. The giant leathery skin man seemed to respect her new found fierce attitude.

Koraben was in a good mood. Quin could tell by the smirk that lit up her face, that the capture of Ben Solo's son had just brightened her day.

"Despite the slight dilemma with the still missing lightsaber-"

"Why do we even need that stupid thing?" A commander grumbled.

"It's for scientific purposes Commander." Koraben replied. "And thanks to the help of scientists we are one hundred percent ready to bring back the greats."

"You mean the Sith's?" The hologram on the table shifted showing a large machine almost identical to the one Quin had seen in her vision. Only it was bigger and looked way more advanced. "We call it the Rejuvenater. With it and the power of the force we can bring back all the Sith masters."

"Can we bring back people who don't use the force?" Quin asked.

Koraben shook her head but before she could answer Jern cut in, seizing power over the conversation. "No." He flicked his hand and the hologram showed all the Sith master's lightsabers. "Whoever is being resurrected must have some strong connection to the force and a lightsaber."

"Why do we need their lightsabers?"  

"We don't technically need the lightsaber, it's the kyber crystal that required." Koraben jumped in and they all watched as the holographic lightsabers shifted so only the kyber crystals were left visible. "All the fleets are heading towards the planet Tifym in the Mid Rim regions as we speak. The Resurrection will take place before then end of tomorrow."

"That is if we can even land." A Commander scoffed. "There's a huge static storm surrounding the planet. One hit from that lightning will result in a complete power out and could even destroy the fleet."

"I might be able to help with that." All eyes went to Quin. "I've worked in technology and can probably strengthen the shields."

"How much time do you need?" Jern asked pushing back his cloak.

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