Memories of a Stranger...

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The twin shared a room with all the other slaves of their Hutt, Noolga, a truely revolting creature. He was the only Hutt who agreed to take in two day old babies and assigned a female twi'lek called Mu'puwi, to take care of them.

Most people would've expected that they would've made friends with the Mu'puwi, seeign she had raised them. But no. They twins and the beautiful pole-dancer hated each others guts.

She usually slept on the other side of the room to the Twi'lek. She had been a terrible mother. She had forgotten to feed them many times until the two learned to look after themselves. They had to learn to hunt, cook, wash and even teach themselves.

Both were rubbish at math but they knew quite a few languages between the two of them, their most common being Huttese and English, thanks to Finn and his quick English lessons and homework.

Finn had gone to where ever it is he found some accomodation. Reuven and Quin were sleeping, sitting up in the corner of the small enclosed metal room filled with pole-dancers, cooks, technitians, scavengers and hunters of all shapes, colours and breeds.

Reuven had his arms crossed and his head sagged against the wall uncomfortably. She didn't feel the slightest bit tired. In fact she was itching to move. She tried to think but couldn't hear her own thoughts over the booming sounds of snoring and gurgling.

Sighing, Quin got up and carefully and stiffened when he brother shifted. When she was sure he was still asleep she stepped over the bodies lying across the way to the door. Once she made it out she shut the door quietly and rubbed under her eyes walking down the corridor leadin to the kitchen. Half way there she stopped and bent down fiddling with the screws on the wall which came out easily, allowing her to pull a sheet of metal off the wall.

Behind it was a burrow that had been dug out. Inside was her brother and her things. They had learned the hard way to never leave your things out in the open, unless you were okay with never seeing them again.

Her saddle bag had been tucked away at the back. The intrigued teenager moved aside their things. A small pocket knife, a red purse with the little amount of coins they had saved, her energybow and a photo of them and Finn, when they were only six years old, ontop of the Falcon. Reuven was on Finn's shoulders beaming, one of his front teeth missing. Quin was on Finn's lap smiling and holding her diactivated energybow.

It had been a gift from Finn once Quin had been told in the mere future, she would help collect food for Noolga and the other Hutts. She smiled silently at the photo taking in the distant memories.

Life had never been kind to them, but her brother had always had her back and life back then just seemed so... special. She finger traced the lines where it had been folded and a small smile touched her lips and lit up her eyes.

She placed it inside the pocket of her jeans and then reached for her saddle bag. Inside was slightly dirty from the roots she had placed in there before. She pulled out the clothed object and put her bag on the ground. Only distant snoring and her breathing could be heard.

She looked at it. A small thump echoed through the empty corridor as she sat down against the wall on the chilling floor. Her thin, dirty fingers slowly unfolded the cloth revealing the black object.

She felt her body go tense and then looked up as the snoring in the background stopped suddenly. She tried to see through the barely lit corridor but saw nothing. The only sound she could hear was her own breathing, but everything else was unnaturally quiet.

Her gut twisted and she could feel the hair on her arms rise. A cool chill washed over her as she lifted her hand a snapped her fingers. Nothing. She heard nothing. It was as if her ears had blocked.

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