The Solo Twins

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Around her was endless black and stars

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Around her was endless black and stars. Each one shone brightly like glittering diamonds. Quin gazed at them in wonder and confusion.

"Hello Quin." A woman's voice came from behind her and she spun around. Standing a few feet away from her was a tall woman with long brown hair hanging loosely around her shoulders, soft brown eyes and fair skin. Quin's gut told her exactly who this was. "Mum."

Her insides felt warm as she ran towards the woman who embraced her in a hug. Tears streamed down her face. "I thought I'd never get to meet you. Wait..." She looked around then at her mother. "Am I dead?"

The adult Rey smiled brushing away her daughter's tears. "Not for very long." Quin didn't ask what she meant but gave her a confused look. Rey offered Quin her hand which she softly took and together they walked. "I have so much to tell you, about what's just happened."

"We already know. We've been watching you all and we're all very proud of you. Me most of all."

"We?" She looked around and noticed the stars were now Jedi looking down at her and smiling. "So you've been there the whole time?"

Her mother smiled as flicked her hands. All around her came pictures, moving pictures. No memories, her memories. "You've come such a long way and I've watched you from that very first day." Rey motioned to the screen.

 A picture of their family in he sandstorm minutes before Rey passed away then her brother and her a young kids, camping out in the swamps of Nal Hutta. "To see how you might grow." Reuven and Finn playing and laughing on top of the Falcon and Quin firing her holo-bow for the first time.

"To see what you might do." Her holding her hand out to her father the first time she met him in the swamps of Nal Hutta.

"To see what you've been through," Her standing on the cliff as the Phantom ship took her dad away and then it changed to her saying goodbye as she sent her father and brother's escape pod to safety. "And all the ways you've made me proud of you."

She touched the screen seeing Reuven and her father in the cell, bonding and smiling at each other. Happy tears continued to form in her eyes. "It's time now for a new change to come." The memory change to minutes ago when she and her brother wielded the force together.

"You've grown up and your new life has begun." This time the screen didn't show a memory. It showed an image of the future. Of her and her brother hugging on a grassy plain, the Falcon parked not too far away.

It became her seated in the Falcon's pilot seat steering it into lightspeed. "To go where you will go."

Her training a small boy with stick swords and then them watching the stars. "To see what you will see."

Then she standing only a cliff and active lightsaber in hand. "To find what you will be for it is time," The image disappeared and she found that everything else was disappearing around her too. She looked at her mother one more time who placed her hands on her shoulders. "It's time for you to fulfill your destiny."

Then she was gone and her eyes opened to color. The kyber crystals on the walls glowed brightly and her eyes focused on the two figures sitting next her. She felt something warm over her heart and she reached up and touched her fathers hand.

She looked at him. "Dad." She smiled weakly.

"She's so proud of you." He replied and then looked at Reuven. "She's so proud of both of you." Their father removed his hand from Quin and laid down in exhaustion. "We both are."

And for the second time in his life. He disappeared. 

"He's gone. Reuven helped his sister up into a sitting position."

"No. No one's ever really gone." She looked up at the hole in the ceiling of the cave. Above was the stars shining brightly. "He's with mum."

A shuffling made them both look. Koraben watched silently. "I guess I should hand myself in."

"No," Quin shook her head. "You deserve a second chance." She motioned her head for her to go and Koraben smiled softly.

"I hope I see you again. Quin."

"You will." Quin replied grinning as she disappeared from the cave. The two got up and Quin's foot touched something. It was Kylo ren's lightsaber.

"Should we keep it. Maybe we could bring him and if we found mums-" Reuven said quickly but Quin shook her head again.

"They're together. And they're both here with us." She used to force to hover the sith lightsaber and then crushed it. Rebels came into the cave and looked around before picking up the unconscious Aline and dragging her out.

"So, what now?" Her brother asked.

"You wanted to go back to Nal Hutta right?" She reminded him but this time he smiled and shook his head.

"That was an old dream of Reuven Rothger. But now I'm Reuven Solo. What about you?"

"Quin Solo, has a nice ring to it." Her hand traced the wall and landed on a kyber crystal that shone brightly at her touch. 

Lightly she took it off the wall and fiddled with it

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Lightly she took it off the wall and fiddled with it. "Jedi Master Solo sounds best." Reuven said over her shoulder before they walked out together.

"You think I'm ready?"

"I think you're more than ready."

"So what are you gonna do?"

Reuven thought for a second. "I think I'm gonna try flying."

"You do?"

"Who knows. I want to up hold the Solo family legacy." They walked towards the Falcon, ignoring the Phantom Fleet debris.

"You're gonna be a great pilot soon to be General Solo."

"And you're going to be a excellent Jedi, Master Solo."


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