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I didn't see Danitha by the time I had figured out where breakfast was being held. I had always been practically alone upstairs with one other girl my age back when I was here that was as horrible as I was to the soul. That's why I had assumed that breakfast was upstairs since that was where it had always been for me. Staff generally didn't eat with patients apparently, is what I learned from the cook as he gave me the extras since breakfast was over.

After I ate, I sought out Danitha in her room but a note was taped on her door that she was in the garden. I still remembered Sally's harsh breath down my bare back: "I'll send you to the loony garden if you keep behaving this way. You won't get me in trouble this time."

I looked around and found Danitha in the furthest corner of the garden, her fingers calmly skimming across the rose petals. I was planning on watching her in her little grey robe and her dark pink top and pajama bottoms when my phone rung. "We won't stop until we get some," rung out. I blushed and clicked off my phone but I had already been spotted.

"Looking for me?" she called out.

I jogged over, ignoring the call.

"Yea. I wanted to see what you were up to," I told her.

"Or maybe you wanted to help me from the bottom of your empty space," she chuckled.

"Wait, wha?" I asked with confusion.

"Your heart," she laughed again.

"Oh," I chuckled with her, "I thought you said little space for some reason." I imagined the slam effect noise on YouTube and Danitha burst out into laughter. "I would be Daddy," she smirked. I was so caught up in her. I had literally never had any feelings for some as I did for Danitha. It scared me. This was too fast.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "what do you need my help with?"

Danitha stood up from her crouch and looked around the beautiful garden. It almost seemed as if she had made it.

"Is there a quiet place to speak? See, I said quiet not little, okay?" she laughed.

"Probably the balcony. Or back here. I can't wait until you have more freedoms."

I led her through the bushes and towards a little pathway that led out. There were probably only 40 patients here which wasn't a lot for such a big expense of land. No one had ever been caught here because no one really wanted to leave. Except me. Even the girl I shared a floor with wanted to get better. Was I the only one who enjoyed being cold?

"I'll probably never get freedoms," Danitha sighed. She followed behind me as I stepped through the familiar undergrowth and wild roses. "Try not to get scratched u-"

"Ah!" she let out a little girly squeal and pulled her snagged sweatpants up at the ankle to expose a deep scratch.

"You okay?" I asked, turning around in the naturally narrow walkway to check on her. "Yeah," she said as she winched. Blood began to drip down. "Danitha we might need to turn back. We can surely talk about this another time," I told her, beginning to pick her up. "No!" she pouted. She leaned against my chest, her wounded leg forgotten by both of us by now. "And you know you can call me Dan right?"

"Shit, I thought you said damn right," I smirked.

Her lips were inches away from mine, height wise and length wise. "Don't play with me," she purred. "You sound like you wanna be played with," I whispered to her. I was hard as a hard. Shit, I mean a rock, see I can't even think right now. My phone rung again. "We should head back," I said at last. She nodded and turned around, probably ready to limp the rest of the way back when I scooped her up and smiled down at her. I was pretty strong. A little bit more than the average female but strong enough to hold her maybe 140 pounds.

The Loony Garden (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now