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After Danitha was questioned alongside me I led her back to her room where remnants of Sally's outburst still clung. I helped her pick up her things. I sat on her bed after we were done as she changed into a new shirt and got ready for bed. "Maybe next time I can way thicker clothing when we go back there," she mumbled, sliding under her covers, "on the bright side they didn't give me any of that nasty medicine."

"Well we should wait a while before we go back out. People will be looking at you more closely as a patient after something like this. But yes... that would be smart for next time. Always she prepared to leave, I know sometimes certain nosy people aren't here on certain days."

There was a lull in conversation.

"You know, if you think the medicine is useless there's a way to get around it."

Danitha perked up and turned to me, "Like how?"

"Well of course under the tongue only spreads it further into your blood stream sort of so that's out of the question. Do they watch you take the medication?" I inquired. I had finally looked up what inquiry meant but I still needed to answer those calls. "Yeah, Sally did but she's been avoiding me so no meds for me."

"I'll see if they'll appoint me to you," I informed her, "what are the medicines even for?"

I shifted on the bed as my skin grew hotter. Danitha pulled up her legs and laid her chin on one knee looking at me thoughtfully. "For depression and other things. Whatever they say I need."

"Well, one day we should both look into these medicines," I suggested, and looked at her hands wrapped around her knees, "and see what we can eliminate and what you really need."

I sneezed.

"Bless you," she whispered.

I nodded.

"What did you do to come here.....for such a long time?"

My phone vibrated against my leg and I slipped it out to place it besides me on the bed. "You're a smart girl," I said in a neutral voice. A voice that some part of me had hoped to come out in a cold tone. "Thank you, but I'm a woman," Dan smirked, cocking her head to the side. "Yes, you are," I agreed, with a mischievous look in my eyes. "Why do you want to know?" I asked carefully. "The same reason you want to know more about me," she said back just as evenly. "I killed a few people," I told her calmly.

The room grew silent.

Every breath she took was quick and it made the room seem frosty. "Why? How? When?" she asked. I looked at her with indifference. Then I looked at my own hands. "I don't really remember, Danitha." She scoffed, "How don't you remember killing somebody?" I turned back to her, my eyes hard, "You've only killed once. You wouldn't understand." I headed towards her door, then stopped. "They all mean nothing until you think about them more closely." I left her room with a quiet click of her door.

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