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I visited Danitha's room after getting a small breakfast from the kitchen after still being hungry. I would see the doctor after I talked to her. It's a lot I needed to ask because this Mia was a low and dirty bitch and as the morning went on maybe some of what she was saying was starting to make sense.

"Knock, knock," I said as I actually knocked on her door.

Danitha opened it, still in yesterday's clothes and eyes downcast. I could have related to her mood yesterday. "A walk?" I asked her, gesturing out to the garden. She shuffled out in her same clothes since she would change them anyways (hopefully) and I hoped like hell that I had a spare change of shorts in my office.

Dan led me through the path today but this time she stopped me right before the wet land. "Let's sit here," she suggested.

Markings were on the stump that hadn't been there but I ignored them, assuming that they were from birds.

"Okay, so I have a few questions. Why were you in a poly? Let's start with that."

I took out my note pad.

"Um, I was forced into it. Katherine set me up. Damn, I still don't even know what happened to her cousin Sammy. If that was even her cousin but Katherine led Mia to me in Louisiana, but I was tried in Texas because I killed her a while later here. I had never realized that Katherine didn't have all her marbles, and I know that I'm one to talk, until she and Mia were there for me to compare. Mia said that they were the best for me. She really just wanted to boss me around. She used Katherine more as her girlfriend anyways, and I can't lie and say I was jealous but I also did not want to be in that relationship. I adapt easily to things I like and don't like. I compromise. That's how I grew up and that's what happened. Mia has so much power. She has a fucking cult and who knows what she's out there doing because I have no tabs on her."

"I have tabs on her," I supplied after I was done writing the important things.

"Another question. Did Mia have a girlfriend you guys knew about that was not a part of y'all's relationship with the three people?"

"Hmm. But..." Danitha thought back.

"One time I did question her about someone I saw her with when we first met. She said it was her girlfriend. She was walking with her at Firstmost but now that I think of it, she wasn't on the basketball team. And also, when Mia and I met, Katherine was opposed to her. Kat knew that I liked dangerous things. Maybe Katherine pretended not to like Mia but why would she pretended to be uneasy in the beginning when I first joined. Mia kept breaking rules to get me. Laws. To get to me. When Mia and I met at the mall, she fucking spoiled me bro. Then she happens to be at Firstmost. I'm starting to think that she was after me."

"But if Mia has so much power, why not dispose of you?" I asked quietly.

"No offense," I added seeing Danitha staring across the flat clearing into the forest.

"Perhaps you were only a pawn for something she wants. Obviously you killing Katherine did not enrage her because she didn't do anything to you. You matter to her more than Katherine but there is something or someone that matters to her more."

Danitha gave me a shaky smile, "Damn, I really don't know. I just never thought life would turn on me in this way. I used to be so nice. Life is the one who made me sin."

"Life is not a person," I told her, attempting to sound wise.

"Yeah, you're right," Danitha said in a defeated tone.

"I think we should...well, I should talk with Mia's little girlfriend. She had a girlfriend throughout the time she was with you and Katherine," I watched Dan's expression.

Only a grimace.

"All that damn pain and suffering I've been through for her to be technically cheating," she sighed.

I reached out to touch her but let my hand fall back onto my note pad before it fell to the soggy ground.

"Mia is still out there happy and enjoying life. Probably finding her some other team players, Danitha. But why do you want her dead?"

This was starting to feel like a television interview.

"Because she killed me," Dan pointed to her chest, "she killed my soul."

I stood up, tucking my legal pad underneath my armpit to help Danitha up. Condensation still littered my behind but I swept off the small water droplets. I moved my legal pad back to my hand after I helped her up. "Oh, D helped me figure some of this out by the way," I told her. "You really scared her yesterday but Danitha....I believe you."

"Thank you," she smiled.

"She saw the old you and I see how much it hurts her now. I'm willing to help."

Dan smiled, staring around her seeming more free. Maybe killing Mia would be her healing process. I know killing had always helped me release anger.

My eyes caught the stump.

"What the hell?" Danitha and I said simultaneously.

The stump read "I see you".

My mind ran all the way back to my brother giving me this job accidentally.

A player in her game.

Adriana. My brother. Danitha. Katherine.

And now me.

The Loony Garden (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now