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When we finally found Danitha's bed room it was darkening outside. She had a nice room, a little better than the rest of the rooms, indicating she had some money at least. I awkwardly asked to borrow a towel from her, peeling off my shirt and replacing it with the large towel over my shoulders to cover my breasts.

"Sorry about getting you wet," she said for the hundredth time and I realized how gross it was that she seemed so meek and unsure of herself. I saw extremely easily threw people and could my way through anything if I but my mind to it (same here😂) and Danitha seemed like she just didn't have it all the way in her head. She put up some sort of front that even I have had yet to figure out in these short moments. She was really insecure on the inside and broken, broken in a way I had never seen, and a human interacts with more people everyday in their life than Earth probably has been living.

But just because I hadn't seen that amount of brokenness does not mean it isn't possible. I almost sensed that she born broken.....almost like me. My gaze grew more tender and I forced myself to stop. Sometimes I saw what I wanted to. Maybe her little hard front was her actual personality and I was simply doing too much.

"Well, um, I got to go. I'll, um, return the towel I guess," I told her walking out.

"Wait, Laila," she stumbled out of her bed, regaining her balance only a step away from me. I didn't bother attempting to catch her this time. "Is it raining tonight?" What, was rain some weird trigger for her? Because it definitely was for me. I sucked in a breath and put on a calm face. "I don't think so but the weatherman said there was a possibility."

I turned to leave again when I heard a timid noise from her and a soft push of air. I turned around and her hands were held together and shaking, a blush formed across her cheeks. Why did she seem so childish? She was either playing me, childish, or some hardcore bitch. Which one, brain? I fought a sigh at my frustration.

"Will you be living here, like Sally?" she questioned.

Ohh, so good ole Sally lived here. Thanks for the info, ma. I smiled to myself then made my eyes meet Danitha's as if I had been meaning to smile at her. "Maybe, just maybe," I told her, a glimmer of excitement and defiance in me. I had always been so curious about the living quarters back when I was here and now I was living an actual dream. And that would create the solution of no traffic for me.

For a second, I had thought she had called me daddy. I hummed off to my boss, knowing I was extremely late and I now had a towel across my body.

After explaining the whole situation, I was told there would be some sort of thunder storm so I could stay in the guest quarters that was used for visiting psychiatrists. As I slept nakedly, I realized how creepy it would be to live here. Like a horror movie. Now, obviously I wasn't the type to be easily frightened  but it almost seemed disrespectful to sleep here. I lifted up to roll over and my lower half popped at the hip. I flipped over and focused my eyes on the discarded horizon behind the thin curtains.

I didn't genuinely feel safe here.

The next morning I woke up and put my clothes back on, really not too excited to see anyone when I didn't look so good or feel so good but of course Danitha was wondering out and about on her restrengethened legs and her towel still wasn't washed. I tried to walk past her quickly but her eyes seemed to be begging me to speak with her. With a silent sigh, I turned around and tapped her shoulder. "How is your morning?"

She turned around, her expression innocent and tired, "Not so well. Thunder," she explained.

I nodded as if I really understood. Her eye drifted to my towel, "You slept here?"

Why did it feel as if her question was accusing me of being in these grounds without her when her soft tone and decent face didn't seem like she was angry at all.

Her legs shifted, "Well, I was heading to the bathroom..."

I moved further out her way, "Oh, sorry."

"You don't have a private shower in your room?" I inquired.

She shot me a "bitch really" expression that seemed to more fit her than whatever innocence I had been witnessing. "The shower has to be fixed and I'm not allowed until another month to use the private one. I can't pee in the shower anyways."

She walked away quickly as little drips of water trailer her. As soon as she rounded the corner, I peered closely down to the floor. I stepped back. Is that.....pee?

I rose an eyebrow at that then headed back down the hall towards the exit, hopefully I wouldn't see anyone else.

"I pee in the shower," I murmured to myself as I exited the building and sought out my car in the large but sparse parking lot.

The Loony Garden (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now