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Ight y'all so as you should have read in da description thingy I'm changing up the pictures, I already said why and ion feel like tellin y'all again. Anyways, I realized how the last story sort of didn't even incorporate how they were in a polygamy so imma have flash backs in dis book to make up fo dat👍🏽....sorry I got distracted by how cool my emojis look....anyways, I hope u enjoy dis story because it's gonna be better than the first book if that one was even decent and the story will be in different POV's, flashbacks will be in Danitha's POV)😂😂 onto intros:

anyways, I hope u enjoy dis story because it's gonna be better than the first book if that one was even decent and the story will be in different POV's, flashbacks will be in Danitha's POV)😂😂 onto intros:

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This is what Pinterest has provided me wit soo🤣🤣 (not literally provided fo y'all slow ones I searched fo dem so ion own them) (they smexy ik ik😌😌)

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This is what Pinterest has provided me wit soo🤣🤣 (not literally provided fo y'all slow ones I searched fo dem so ion own them) (they smexy ik ik😌😌)

(Danitha's POV) *enjoy her POV while it lasts*

I didn't enjoy being here at a stupid mental hospital but it was better than being cooped up in prison and I could leave here! I just had to act right and baby I am a master manipulator.....I can act the part for hours. Over the past year , I had learned that being cold and getting what you want was the only way you can well....get what you want! After putting Katherine literally in the past and focusing on ruining Mia, I had realized just how cold I could be and I now understood why evil people tend to rule. It's just so much fun. I was actually considering a bunch of things to use my evil skills for. Ruling a gang for instance, or maybe starting my own cult, or maybe being a rogue and famous killer. A mass murderer. Anything. My options were limitless because all I had is gone. My mother and my brothers.

The next time I see Mia the games will begin and I already have a few connections here that will get Mia right where I want her and right where she needs to be.

I lifted off of my bed and stared intently at my hands. These hands had down many things since the judge had sentenced me here for two years escaping a murder charge. I had also came to accept that there was nothing wrong with me. I just experienced emotions differently. I was still better than everyone else though.

"Sally, I'm ready to go out to the garden now," I called out. The first week they had insisted on wheeling me around everywhere and at the time I felt like it was incredibly stupid until I realized how I wasn't used to these new medications they assumed I needed. I had looked up half of those hoes in the library on the restricted computers and found I didn't even have half of that shit but I wasn't here to protest. I was here to take Mia down and serve my due time.

I listened in to Sally's phone conversation as she pushed me through the open halls. I rarely saw any patients or perhaps that was intentional. I had learned a lot about Sally over a week. She was bisexual, mixed with German and El Salvadorian, and a very easy person to talk to. All of this without barely uttering a few words to her.

"Yeah, Macy I didn't see you there," she stated.

Her tone wavered as if she were lying.

"So you went there to get a fixed mortgage or some fixed dick?" her friend Macy, I assume, asked.

"Macy I swear I didn't realize your ex worked there," Sally pleaded although as I pretended to look out the window I could see the guilt creeping up on her face. I needed to know what she loved. Something I could blackmail her with if she didn't help me willingly.

"Sure, and how did your nails end up in his bed and why does he have scratches near his penis," her friend fired back.

"Were you sucking his dick? How would you know if he allegedly had any scratches near his penis?" Sally whispered, starting to grow angry. A nurse chuckled as she wheeled an older patient by. My heart leaped out to see another patient but they quickly walked by because of Sally. Damn you, Sally you really better help me!

"No, because he posted it on...." and their conversation continued.

I hummed to myself until we got to my favorite place here. The garden! No one else was here today and the sky was clear, the weather neither cold nor hot. "We're here," Sally announced and began to wheel me more slower than before. "When will I get to see other people?" I asked after she finally got off the phone. Sally smacked her lips, her mood sour. "If I were you, I would be appreciative that I wasn't in solitary confinement," Sally said and swung my wheel chair heavily towards a marble statue. I was flown towards the pond right besides it but fell into nice warm arms that took the wet fall for me.

I looked up to see nice brown eyes staring into mine, so playful upon first sight but deeply intense. Almost like she wise beyond her years. I helped her up out of the water, thankful I had my balance i this moment despite everything and looked back to see Sally in horror. "I told you not to come back," she whispered in hatred.

"Well, here I am," the girl grinned as it turned to see her reaction to Sally's rudeness, "I work here now."

Sally looked at her with disgust and her eyes drifted towards me on the girls lap at the edge of the fountain, having somehow ended up back atop her, "Well take her back to her room. She's Patient Number 1."

The girl slightly flinched when Sally said "patient" so I took it upon myself to get up. I reached for the wheel chair, a wheel broken. I busied myself as Sally murmured away and the girl collected herself.

"What's your name? And your welcome," the girl finally said in a low voice.


(Soo I jus love how my screen protector is peelin but anyways vote😂❤️)

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