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Once at work, I showed D to the doctor and whether they fucked or she got the job or not was not my business. I headed to Danitha's room to excite her about what I had found out about Mia and to warm her about my sister.

I silently led her back to the garden trail, this time she had on boots and pants she wasn't afraid to get dirty and we went further out. I had also left a pair of pants on the tree stump so that I could have them to change into. If anyone saw me with different pants maybe they would assume that I had incontinence problems, I don't know!

"So I got some info on Mia. I'm sure you know the basics, the cult and the basketball team, how she was a little crazy," I said casually. We sat on the slightly damp ground, the weeds surrounding us like a natural fortress. "But I got my people on it. When I get more info, I'll let you know. I also want to tell you about my sister. Well my step sister. Just call her D. She's working here now but she likes to stir up a lot of trouble. I'm letting her stay with me a while and I had been gotten her this job."

I felt slightly bad. I hadn't really gotten the job for her, her titties or my brother really had.

"Anyways, I'm helping her out, tryna make her into a better person so me and her could start a great journey as better people together. Just wanted you to know."

Dan nodded along, "Okay, that's cool."

I smiled, "Glad to know. Alright let's go get changed and start our day. Maybe in your room after I get D familiar, we can figure out what meds you shouldn't be taking." Danitha agreed. I helped he back to the pathway and changed my bottoms on dry soil. Clutching my muddy trousers Danitha walked in front of me while I trailed behind her. "Has the doctor said anything about.....me?" she questioned.

"Yea, but only a little. Probably will have you interacting with more patients in a social level and he stated that you'll start some sort of therapy soon," I commented.

Danitha rolled her eyes and walked back to her room. After she changed clothes I told her I would come by later but for her to maybe start looking up her meds so that we could have some sort of early start. I headed to my office, discarded my spiked clothes, and wondered what had happened to Sally as I went to find my sister around the institution.

"D!" I called out in the hall.

"Yo," she answered back.

She wore a dark green pencil skirt l, a white blouse shirt tucked in, and a dark green dress jacket with white heels. I had dressed her nice even though I had claimed I wouldn't spend any money on her. She had to get the job after all to get out fo my house.

"Hey, I talked with the doctor."

I looked her up and down for any signs of tampering and she swatted me hard. We locked eyes as all playfulness drained out of her. I stayed calm. She knew her boundaries. She knew she would only get away with things like this away from home. "Sorry," she said sullenly.

"You good," I said, I lifted up her chin, "Quit being so sad, D."

She looked down at the floor.

"What position did he give you?"

"The same as yours," she commented.

"Okay, what patient?" I didn't know any other patients besides Danitha honestly but this made for good conversation. She led me to her patients room.

We entered and a smirk overcrowded my face. "Sally? Sally? Is that you?" I sung.

Although in the long run, D and Sally together might not be so great for me, it was fun to enjoy the moment. The moment of satisfaction. "I hope you get better," I said. She was still on her bed, the only patient with a bare white room and white clothing and a lock on her door. "She must be really crazy," I stage whispered to D and she swatted my hand. We connected eyes again. D and I. Sally looked up, eyes wandering in her own world. "Don't say that," D said in a caring voice and I bid Sally farewell and pulled my sister out.

"She is cold blooded. That's the only time I will warn you," I told her sternly.

D sighed. "You said that about our own loving father, but to be honest, I'm starting to think you're really the cold blooded one."

"Well then stop thinking," I told her hardly as we both walked casually.

I hoped D had locked Sally's door while I was distracted in anger.

"That's like telling me to stop breathing," D growled.

She took in a deep breath then turned to me, "So do I get to meet your patient?"

For once hesitation crossed over me. I didn't like it. My parents had also raised me to be fearless. Even though my mask was nothing but hardened fear. If I hid my patient from D, as a normal human, D would become curious about my patient. If I let her meet her....well who knew what would happen.

"Sorry, I had forgotten the way," I told my noticed as she noticed my hesitation.

"Oh," she simply said.

I finally led her to Danitha after a few purposeful wrong turns so that she could believe I didn't fully know my way around. My thing was, she knew where her patients room was right away and I couldn't even do that on my first day. Of course, I knew this place off of the back of my hand...sort of despite the modifications.

I knocked on the door and yelled out to Danitha that it was Laila and that she had company. I also worried what Sally would tell D, I realized randomly. Danitha opened the door. In new attire, her laptop sat on her bed in the background and her door was cracked enough for us to see her full body and her face.

"Adriana?" she asked, bemused.

"Danitha?" D answered back and my world began to spin.

The Loony Garden (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now