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"Shittin on niggas, no MiraLax," I sung along with YouTube connected to my car.

Cutting it off, I went to unlock my door, then carry D inside. I didn't really trust leaving her in my house in this moment for fear when I came back with all my work supplies she would be waiting on me with a butcher knife but she could just easily drive away if I go and put my work stuff up. She should have been awake hours ago and I had seen her act before. Shorty was out cold.

I decided I wouldn't do any work at home today and just to carry my sister inside. I laid her out in the couch, kept sharp objects away, and locked the front door. I began to prepare her favorite dish, cheese, spinach, macaroni, and beets. Don't even ask me why she liked this but it did smell good. I sprinkled some eggs and the yolk over her odd salad then laid it out in front of her on the couch as she regained consciousness and rubbed her neck.

I could see the red and purple marks on her brown neck that were already visibly. I smiled to myself then turned on a look of indifference when I sat before her as she picked at her food quietly. I always loved how quiet she was after I showed her who the boss was.

The world around me seemed to spin then it stopped and my minds eye seemed to focus on her mouth. "What nigga you been sleepin wit now."

"You know you used to emotionally abuse me, right?" she said as I was speaking.

She pushed a cheesey mouthful up to her lips and looked down at the coffee table.

"Why you gotta do me like this, Laila?"

"Cuz I'm only trying to protect you." I explained, although even the words sounded false to my ears. Even my tone. She swished the macaroni and spinach around her plate. "What did your mom and dad," she said in a shaky, heartbroken voice, "or whoever do to you to make you like this? Laila, please, just tell me. I won't judge. I promise, sister."

I looked her cold in the eyes, irritation coming over me. "You're not allowed to question me. Let's get some house rules started. No people over. No staying out late. Only legal substances here and activities. No porn. No child pornos. No loud laughing. No loud talking. No eating each other's food. No staying up late. No messing up anything that was already fine before. You have to contribute to this household as well, so I suggest you find a job quick because you will not be borrowing any money from me. Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours."

She stared at me, eyes still sullen.

"Did you forget how to speak? Or are you finally living up to the mistake that you are?"

"Did-Did I ever take anything away from you, Laila?" she asked quietly, staring up at me.

I loved around to her side of the couch, and slapped her hard.

"Don't. Question. Me."

"Laila, what did they doo!" D whined, falling to her knees and crying, "What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," I said dumbly and marched up to my room.

The Loony Garden (StemxStud)Where stories live. Discover now