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(I'm really stressed rn tbh and like I feel like I'm numb and I was tryna write up better on my other stories but this one is the one that I seem to like better so if this chapter is crappy y'all kno why😂)

"Soo....y'all know each other?" I asked, looking between the two.

D stared Danitha down for a minute then they ran into a hug. "Shit, I missed yo bitch ass," D cried into her shoulder. "Janae really did me dirty, den come to find out, my side daddy Raymona used to go with Janae."

"Oh hell nahhhh," Dan sung and led her inside.

I followed after them confused. Danitha caught my expression and sighed, "Ight, lemme explain. So Raymona is my cousin. This crazy girl named Janae who also was my distant cousin was obsessed with Raymona and stuff and Raymona secretly had a crush on me. All this was unearthed when all the drama started. Come to find out, Raymona and Janae we're seeing each other at some point as well, but then Adriana here dated both of them at some point too."

Danitha frowned for a moment.

"Janae did say she kept trying to get closer to me. So did she target Adriana because she wanted to take me away from Raymona?" she asked herself.

"Or did she date Raymona and Adriana to keep them preoccupied with other people and away from you."

"So Janae could let Ray have Adriana, but not me? What was so special about me?" Dan asked aloud.

"I dated Ray after Janae died," D supplied.

"Ana, that still doesn't explain a lot. Mia admitted for killing my family and Janae was willing to do anything to keep me away from Raymona. Something ain addin up right."

I tried to offer an outside perspective.

"Maybe they were working together."

Danitha slowly looked up, "Or maybe it was a plot to get closer to you."

D and I laughed off Dan's statement. I was suddenly aware that I was entertaining a mental patient. I really felt bad for Danitha. "Dan, that would be too far fetched. Come on, let's read up on your meds."

"How did you even get here?" D inquired.

"Killed Katherine," Dan said bluntly, still glaring at me.

She could glare all she wanted but I was now only realizing how foolish this was. I just need to do my job and make my dough. "For what? Katherine was amazing!" D exclaimed, leaning forward.

"What do you mean, "amazing"?" Danitha asked, crossing her arms and staring rudely at my step sister. "We, uh, had sex a few times but she always stopped me because of some commitment she kept goin on about. I feel bad for her girlfriend. Did you know who it was?" D questioned.

"So," Dan looked at her hands, "you mean to tell me she was cheating on Mia and I and I was the one who was punished?"

"Wait what?" I said.

D sat up straighter, confusion on her face.

"She beat up yo kitty, didn't she?" Dan smirked.

"That sick little bastard," she added.

"Get ou-"

"Danitha, she can help us," I whispered in her ear.

"Fuck this!" she screamed, frustrated.

D left the room, loudly sobbing.

I ran after her without a spare glance to my patient.

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