It's all my fault

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It had been nearly a century after that. Mary was the only murder I ever cried over. When I'm alone, I still cry. It had been a couple weeks after I decided to help Charlie, and business had finally started to pick up. I had my own room, and helped a bit with showing guests to their rooms. That's the bad thing... I showed other demons to their rooms. One fateful day...

"Hey Al," Charlie called, "Can you show this nice lady to her room? She's going to be staying with us for a bit!" I sighed, glad to be doing something. I put on my smile and walked over. When I arrived, I saw the woman. She had a look of confusion on her face. The woman and I looked at each other for a long time in silence. Charlie, in an effort to break the crushing silence, said, "Her name is Mary. She'll be staying in room 667!" Wait... Mary? My smile faltered for a split second. Is it her? Of course not! Idiot! Do you know how many Marys have died? Stupid, stupid, STUPID! "Well hello there... Mary," I said forcing cheerfulness into my voice. "Hello sir," she replied, wariness creeping into her voice. Then suddenly something hit me. "Wait, Charlie," I said, "What room is she staying in?" "667." Oh no... Right next to mine. Well this is going to be fabulous...

Mary's POV:

Huh... He's so familiar... When I first heard his name I thought 'Oh, Alastor! The Radio Demon!' But when I saw him he looked a lot like my husband! Well... ex-husband in my eyes. What he did was unforgivable! Not only that, but he sent me here as well by making me turn that poor child away! I snapped out of my trance as he cleared his throat. "This way ma'am," he said. I nodded and followed him. Something about that smile... We made it to the elevator and got in. "So," he started, "If you are to stay here I may as well know a bit from your past life. Care to share anything?" I glanced at him questioningly. "Well, it's not like I haven't told anyone before... I died in 1931 at the hands of my serial killer husband. I had followed him because I assumed that he was having an affair. What I had found was so much more horrifying... All around me there were the bodies of people he had killed. Dozens and dozens of bodies. He realized I found out, and shot me in the head. I still remember his last words to me... I'd rather not say them. I'm so angry at him! I don't even consider him my husband anymore."

I saw that over the course of my story, his smile had become more strained. "Ah," was all he said before the elevator doors opened. He said nothing more as he led me to my new room, and left me to my own thoughts and questions.

Alastor's POV:

So. She is Mary. My dear, precious Mary...How I regret what I did. But now she hates me. Well, not me, but also me. She hates her husband. I could hear the buzz of voices starting up again. Ex-husband. That's what she called you. She hates you! YOU DID THIS! Your relationship with her can never be repaired. Why did I have to do that? Why? Why? WHY WHY WHY? I entered the elevator, but kept my smile on my face. If I dropped it now, I wouldn't be able to get it back for a long time. I finally arrived on the first floor and rushed out. "Hey Alastor! Where you going so quick? Ooh! Is it a hot date?" Angel said as I rushed past. I couldn't deal with his shenanigans right now. "Rude," I heard him mumble behind me. I can't deal with him right now. I rushed out the front doors and started to run to the nearby woods.

(time skip cuz im lazy rn)

Out of breath, I sat down against a tree. I was in the middle of the woods, and slowly breaking down. I felt the tears forming in my eyes as I drop my smile. It's your fault.... Your fault. Why did I have to do that? Why did I ever have to be like that? I felt large tears rolling down the sides of my face, and that's all it took. I broke down and started sobbing. "It's all my fault.."

A/N: Why do I actually feel like this is ok? IM GAINING AN EGO *demonic screech* Poor Al tho... I actually feel really bad for him lmao. Not much to say other than this was kinda hard to write and it took me forever... Peace out my little demons!

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