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(smells like smut)

(One month later)

Alastors POV:
It was finally time for me to take off these bandages that I had been confined to for so long. I was in my room attempting to take the bandage on my shoulder off with one hand when Mary walked in. I looked up and smiled. "Finally I can get these off me," I said, breaking the silence. She chuckled and asked me if I needed help. Of course, I happily said yes. She sat on the bed behind me and started taking off the shoulder bandage while I worked on the one covering my forearm. Her fingers were gentle as she carefully peeled the gauze from my skin. For some reason, it caused a shiver to run up my spine. I had forgotten this feeling long ago. The feeling of what Angel calls 'turned on' was something that didn't happen very often. 

Marys POV:
I tried not to stare too much at Alastor while I took the wrap off his shoulder. He had perfectly toned back muscles, not too bulky, but not too noodley. I can feel him wiggling slightly under my hands. Finally I had managed to detangle the gauze and get it off his shoulder. Looks like he's going to have a brand new scar... I start to blush harder as I realize the little details on him. Unexpectedly, Alastor turned around and kissed me. I melted into the kiss, so full of lust, love, and passion. He flipped his lower body on the bed so that he faced me, and pushed me down ever so slowly. We broke apart and Alastor looked into my eyes. The look in his eyes was passion, lust, desire, and most importantly, pure love and admiration. I knew my face was bright red. Here I was, Mary, laid on a bed with the man I love over me and shirtless. I realized that moisture (M O I S T U R E sorry lmaooo) had gathered between my legs. Oh dear...

Alastors POV:
I'm not going to lie, I kind of missed this feeling. I missed doing this with Mary. I had missed her more than I ever thought possible. I looked down at her perfect features and felt a surge of love coarse through my veins. There had to be nothing more perfect than right now. I leaned down and kissed her once more, and straddled her a little. This only made my 'boner', as Angel called it, grow. My hands moved to the hemline of her shorts and tugged on them a little. I kissed around her neck, earning a small, quiet moan of gratitude. As long as I don't mess up or freak out, I should be okay. She pulled me closer, practically laying me on top of her. "Are you sure you want this?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her nod ever so slightly. 

Marys POV:
"Are you sure you want this?" I felt heat rush through my body as he asked that. Do I want this? I usually would wait until marriage for this kind of intimacy. Who cares? This is Hell. Besides, I love and trust Alastor. Why shouldn't I? I nodded my head. Yes, I wanted this. 

Alastor didn't hesitate with anything he did next. Before I knew it, our clothes were scattered on the floor. He looked at me with hunger in his eyes. He attacked my neck and covered it with hickeys. Guess I'll need to wear a turtleneck tomorrow. He hit one certain spot that caused a vibrating sensation throughout my body, causing me to moan very loudly. I felt his mouth quirk up into a smile as he started to attack the spot, sucking and biting. I moaned and squirmed under him, begging for more.

 He detached himself from my neck. "Do you want Daddy to fuck you senseless?" (I'm dying) Alastor had never acted like this before, but it was quite attractive. I nodded, wanting nothing more than to feel his dick inside me. Without further hesitation, he slammed into me, causing me to scream out some sort of moan that sounded like a cross between a beluga whale and a dog. What. Was. That? Before I could figure out what the shit just erupted from my mouth, he started thrusting. Any leftover pain immediately turned to pleasure. Everything else disappeared, and it was just him and I. (CROSS MY HEART HOPE TO DIE TO MY LOVER I'D NEVER LIE) 

He hit that one spot that just sent judders of euphoria throughout my body. "Oh Alastor right there!" I screamed. He grinned, flashing teeth, and slammed into that spot over and over. I felt a knot tightening in my stomach. It grew tighter and tighter until I felt like I was going to snap it two. It felt so good I couldn't talk to warn him. Suddenly, whatever I felt snapped, and I felt myself orgasm with a loud moan. A couple thrusts later, Alastor came inside me.

 He pulled out me and rolled off with a pleased sigh. "Well," he started, "That was..." "Amazing," I finished. He put his arm around me and snuggled me against him. I reached up and touched one of his fluffy ear thingies. He pulled his head back and asked what I was doing. "I'm touching your deer ears," I explained. "Why?" "Because they always looked so soft," I said meekly, "I always wondered what they would feel like." Chucking he put his head back down. I rubbed his deer ear until I heard him softly snoring. I curled up and burrowed my head into his chest. It didn't take me long to fall asleep right next to him. 

A/N: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH just HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *dies laughing* Sorry I didn't get this shit of a smut out sooner. I kept laughing every time I wrote something lmao. Peace out my little demons!

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