If I had the courage to tell her

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Alastors POV:
It had been weeks after Mary had arrived at the hotel. We had grown very close and were basically inseparable. The others made small jokes about us practically being a couple, but we never let it bother us. Even though I wish her and I were an item. Mary helped me in more ways than she can possible know... The voices in my head were almost always silent. They reared up every once in a while, but around her, they were quiet. 

Mary waved her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Alastor," she said jokingly. I huffed and pretended to be offended. "You do know that it is rude to interrupt somebody in thought," I said. She laughed and stood. "Well," she said, "If you insist on being so deep in thought then I must depart. Excuse me, good sir, while I go take a shower." She ended it all with a dramatic bow, earning a laugh from me. "If you insist," I said, sticking my tongue out at her. She did the same then exited. I watched her go, my heart turning in my chest. 

I stiffened as I heard a little 'ahem' behind me. I turned to see Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel standing behind me with smirks on their faces. "Are you absolutely sure you two aren't a couple?" Vaggie teased. I put on an unreadable smile. "Yes I am quite sure," I replied, a hit of 'back off before I slice you to bits' in my voice. The woman raised her hands in a false surrender. "Oh come ON," Angel teased, "We all know you wanna hit it from behind!" I had no idea what it meant, but knowing Angel it was probably very lewd. And that pissed me off. I stood up and got into Angels face, halfway shifting into my demon form, but only enough to look terrifying. "Shit!" he screeched and scrambled away faster than the speed of light. I glared after him, the smile still on my face. I saw Charlie pull Vaggie in the corner and whisper to her. I could tell that their conversation was consistent of Charlie trying to convince Vaggie of something, and the other demon not wanting to do it. Finally, Vaggie left and it was just Charlie and I.

"Anything you want to tell me?" she asked kindly. I narrowed my eyes. "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about," I said, "There is absolutely nothing to tell." She gave me the 'I don't believe you one little bit' look and told me to talk about what I felt for Mary. "You're not going to leave me alone until I tell you, are you?" I asked with an exasperated sigh. "Nope," she said with a huge smile, "Now, what's the first thing that you see when you think about Mary?" I turned away so I didn't have to look Charlie in the face.

 "Her smile. There's just something about that crooked smile of hers... It's so perfect. And it's always real. She's just all around amazing," I said, "Those gorgeous golden eyes that can melt someone's soul with just a single look. I've had to keep it all inside my head... Oh, but if I had the courage to tell her... And even though I want to, I don't know how. I don't know how to tell Mary that she's everything to me. I don't know how I would start if I could tell her."

 I turned my head to see Charlie with a huge smile on her face. "Awwwww!" she squealed, "That's so cute Al! That's the first time you've ever shown real emotion!" She placed her hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. I didn't particularly like to be touched. "You're gonna have to tell her Alastor," Charlie said. I realized what I had just done, and put on my 'Alastor' personality. "Of course I will," I said, "Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, there's something I need to do!" Before Charlie could say another word to me, I was heading up to my room. I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Marys POV:

I finished my shower and dried myself off. I slipped into a knee high dress, and walked into the hall. I heard Alastors door shut and locks click. Best to not bother him when he locks his door. I shrugged and headed downstairs to the living room to watch the picture show. 

I sat down, and thought about Alastor. I turned the television on and thought about Alastor. It felt like I'd known him for years. I snapped out of my thoughts when Fat Nuggets nuzzled me with his little snout. I pet him, and brought him into my lap for a snuggle. The cute little pig eventually fell asleep in my lap, and it didn't take long for me to drift into unconsciousness. 

A/N: FAT NUGGET HAS MADE HIS APPEARANCE!!! This chapter is honestly so fucking cheesy.. The inspiration for this chapter was "If I Could Tell Her" from the musical Dear Evan Hanson. But oooooooo, what does Al baby have planned?? Also, tossing the upload schedule. I have way too much free time on my hands to be worried about that. I'll upload whenever I can though! Peace out my little demons!

Also, thanks for getting me to over 100 reads!! I'm sooooo fucking happy about that

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