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(This chapter is going to be specifically in Alastors POV)

I was leaning against the brick wall when Mary came out. She ran to me, a huge smile on her face. "Isn't this the best?" she asked. "The snow always is, Mary," I said laughing. She spun around, snowflakes settling into her dark brown hair. I tilted my head. "Come with me," I said, "There's something I want to show you." A look of confusion crossed her face. "What is it?" she asked. "Now, if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!" I said with dramatic hand gestures and poses. I offered up my hand. "Well, I suppose you're right," Mary sighed, gently taking it. "By all means," she said, "lead the way!" 

(time skip bc im lazy ass)

The snow crunched under our shoes as we neared our destination. It had finally stopped pouring snow from the skies, but there were little flurries here and there. It was mostly the golden-red rays from the sun. Finally, we reached where I had wanted to show her. "Alastor, why have we stopped?" she asked, confusion on the edges of her voice. "Isn't it obvious? We're here!" I said. She looked around at the large maple trees, and the sunlight dappling the white snow beneath us. "What is this place? It's so beautiful..." she said, her voice full of awe. "It's where I come to be alone sometimes," I said, my heart turning at the look in her eyes. Oh that look in those beautiful golden eyes. My heart melted, just a little.

 What I hadn't realized is that when I was in my little trance, she had scooped up and handful of snow and thrown it at me. Only when I felt the sting of the cold on my face did I realize what happened. "Oh, it's on little miss!" I exclaimed, stooping down and grabbing a large handful of snow. Mary shrieked and giggled, running away. I ran after her, drawing back my arm for the throw. The second I released the snowball, she moved. Clever girl. I halted and crept a different route while she took cover behind a large tree. I grabbed two handfuls of snow, making sure to go to one side and snap a twig before quickly moving to the other side of the tree. As predicted, Mary turned to see what the noise was. When she realized it was nothing, she turned back to check on the other side. The first thing she saw was me, holding a pair of snowballs. Mary screamed and tried to scramble away, but she was too slow. I threw both snowballs and they hit her, exploding on impact. "Hahaha! You can never defeat me!" I say in a dramatic, overly exaggerated voice. "We'll just see about that!" she yelled, lunging at me with a fistful of snow in her hand. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to move fast enough. She toppled me over somehow and shoved the snow if my face. "AGH! Get off me!" I said, attempting to get her off me. "Surrender," she said, rubbing more snow on my face. "NEVER!" I screamed. I suddenly rolled over, pinning her to the ground. "Who's the tough one now?" I said in a mocking tone. She laughed, saying "Okay, okay! You win!" I rolled off her and collapsed in the soft snow.

 A couple seconds passed before I said something. "If you don't mind me asking," I say, turning my head towards her, "How did you and your husband meet?" She turned away as a hard look entered her eyes. "I remember that night... I will always remember that night. I remember the soft candlelight... But I will never forget the first time I saw Alastor's face... I haven't been the same since that night. He had intelligent eyes, soft brown hair and a slim yet dashing build. When he said 'hello' I forgot my damned name. It was like he struck a match and set my heart on fire..." she said, a look of sadness and longing filling her delicate features. Oh how I remember that night... 


The wind blew softly in my brown hair. I, Alastor, stood on the porch with a beautiful woman in front of me. We had been talking for a couple minutes before I decided to say something daring. "You appear to be a lady who is never satisfied," I had said. She looked at me with shock in her eyes. "I'm sure I have no idea what you mean," she said. I let out a small laugh. "I can tell that you and I are very similar. I'm never satisfied." "Is that right?" she asked with a mischievous smile on her face. Something about that crooked smile had me enraptured. "I always have to do more," I said. "My name is Mary Winchester," she had said. I gave a little bow before saying, "Alastor, at your service my dear." This earned me a small laugh from her. "Are you always this dramatic?" she asked as if she were talking to a child. "Well, my dear Mary, the world is a stage, after all! And the stage is a world of entertainment," I said with a smile. She laughed, saying "Well if you insist on being overly characterized maybe you should be a radio host!" I tilted my head with a proud grin. "Maybe I will!" I said, "Just imagine it! Alastor! Famous radio show host! Ruler of theatrical performances! Bow to the king of radio!" She burst out laughing when I said that, and it didn't take me long in joining her laughter.

(End of flashback)

I snapped out of my flashback, realizing she had been talking the entire time. "Our conversation lasted only a few minutes. Three, maybe four tops," she said softly, "He was extremely handsome... But there was something more that drew me to him than that. He made me laugh. And oh how we laughed. He was kind and gentle. But it turned out he was the complete opposite." Her face was full of sadness and anger. Sadness and anger that YOU caused! Why do you think she could ever fall for you again? She can never love a liar like you! I pushed the voices back as she continued. "Even though I can never forgive him, it would be a lie to say that I didn't miss him. When I close my eyes at night, I see those soft eyes that I fell for," she said, her voice hitching slightly. I was about to comfort her when she shook her head and made her eyes hard. "It's all in the past now. It doesn't matter anymore," she said. I looked at her, and sighed. "It probably matters to him. From what I can hear, it sounds like he really loved you," I said softly. Mary scooted a little closer to me. "I'm glad I met you," she said. God, everything she did made my heart twirl! But if she ever knew... 

"We should start back," she said, "It's getting cold." I gave a small laugh, and pushed myself up. I offered my hand to help her up, and she gratefully took it. And with that, we were on our way back to the hotel.

A/N: this is the longest chapter that i've written... im so proud that I got over 1000 words! This was uploaded the same day as the one before this, so yeah... CHRISTMAS GIFT!! If you haven't been able to tell yet, my chapters are heavily inspired my music. This chapter was inspired by 'Satisfied' from the Hamilton musical. Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Hanukah, and anything else, or if you don't celebrate anything, Merry Winter. I'm also going to get a regular upload schedule which will be every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Peace out, my little demons!

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