How dare you?

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Alastors POV:
It had been about a week after the extermination. I was getting stronger by the day, and Mary thought that I should be okay in about another month. It was Hell, and we were demons, so wounds tended to heal faster. I could get around on my own at this point, so I told Mary to go have some fun. "No need to be stuck with an old fool like me," I said to her. It took me a little convincing, but I managed to get her out to do her own things. Careful to not disturb my injuries, I slowly put some clothes on and limped out. Unfortunately, due to my injuries I had to use my staff as a cane when I walked. I may as well get some food, seeing as I won't be able to hunt for a good while. 

I had to walk past Angels room to get to the kitchen. As I walked past, I heard him talking to someone. Of course I had to listen to his conversation. 

"So you wrap your right leg around the pole. No, not like that! Like this. Let me show you." Obviously he was giving someone dance lessons. I had no idea why someone would enjoy dancing on a metal pole, nor did I ever intend to find out. I turned away and was just about to leave when I heard a soft voice. A soft female voice. Marys' voice. "I can't be that bad," she said indignantly. Excuse me? I knocked on the door, but came in immediately afterwards.

 I saw Mary in a sweater and shorts. Then I looked past her and saw Angel in so little clothing that a small twig would have covered him more. I immediately put my hands over my eyes. "What exactly is happening in here? And why are you dressed like that Angel?!" I yelled. What the actual hell did I just walk in on? I regret this.

Angels POV:
Shit. "Well uh," I stammered while grabbing a sweater, "I hadn't taught anyone anything in a while, so I decided to teach Mary. I don't see what the big deal is. She's actually not that bad." It was true. With a little practice she would be amazing. "Don't be mad at him," Mary said, "I thought it would be fun." I looked at her and nodded in thanks. "What did he do to deserve you, Mary?" I asked. His hand snapped away from his face. Mary just looked confused, while Alastor looked full on pissed off. Guess I'll die.

Marys POV:
"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. Angel Dust just stared at me. "Well you're just so nice and he's... Well he's him! You honestly deserve somebody MUCH better! Except for Husk. He's mine," the spider demon said. I looked at Alastor, and even though he was smiling, I knew he was utterly furious. "You're going to have to remind me who the fuck you think you are," he growled at Angel. I immediately went to his side and put my hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Alastor," I said, "He doesn't have a filter. You know that." 

This calmed him down, but only a slight bit. "Who the hell do you think you are? Telling couples that one isn't good enough for the other! What does he know about love?" Alastor shouted, "Yes, I have done terrible things. Yes, I am extremely lucky that Mary loves me. But in absolutely no way is it your place to try and break a couple up." Alastor was advancing towards Angel with every word until Angel was pressed against the wall. Now would be a wonderful time to step in.

Angel POV:
I'll have to admit, being towered over by Alastor was terrifying and arousing. Mary ran over and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Come on love... No reason to be here longer," she said, taking his unbandaged arm and leading him away. The second they were out of the room, I hopped on my bed to take care of the boner I got. 

Alastors POV:
Even if Mary was there my blood was boiling. How dare he? "Why would you let him get away with that?" I asked incredulously. "Because it wasn't worth it. Bedsides, I'm in Hell. We all have done bad things here and I chose to ignore it and fall in love with you," she said. All I could do is pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head. 

If only she knew what I had done, and what I was doing in that moment. But she didn't for now, and she loves me. But I knew I wouldn't be able to lie to her for long. How long could I keep this up before revealing the truth?

A/N: *screams* OH MY GOD OVER 400 READS!!!! I'm so sorry for regurgitating a horrible chapter... I haven't had any motivation at all recently.. Thank you so much and I'm tired cuz its about 1:30 in the morning... have a nice day/evening/night! Peace out my little demons!

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