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Marys POV:

I put my arm down so I was able to see who was talking. An angel stood before me. Her chocolate colored skin was clear and smooth, her dark hair curly and luscious, her deep brown eyes warm and soft. Large white wings framed her curvy figure in a very flattering way.

 "Hello Mrs. Winchester, how are you today?" she asked with a voice as smooth as honey. I stood there for a couple seconds before realizing that in order to talk to someone, I needed to form words. "I.. I have seen better days... If you don't mind me asking madam, why are you down here in Hell? And how do you know my name?" The woman giggled. "I'm sure you have many questions," she said, "Let's start off with who I am and why I am here. My name is Lily, and I was sent from Heaven to bring your soul to eternal paradise! You lived a life mostly free of sin, but the fact that you had so much hate in you when you died meant that you were sadly not able to join Heaven. But now that you have let all of that hate go and you have finally forgiven him, you may join your family in eternal happiness!" "Oh," was the only response I managed to get out. Eternal happiness? Spending the afterlife with my family? Getting out of Hell and going to the place every soul wants to go? That sounds.. Amazing... But, what about Alastor? An afterlife without him wouldn't be Heaven.. I already spent so long missing him, and being mad at him, and hating him, only to find him again and fall right back in love. Besides, I'm carrying his baby. He would be crushed to find out he had woken up to a long gone wife who took our unborn child. However, Hell is not safe for a child. Neither is Heaven. Our baby would be safer with both of its parents.

 I looked at Lily with determination running through my veins. "No." She stopped smiling, and stared at me with a confused look. "No?" she asked, "Why not? Heaven is a place of peace, love, and prosperity. You could see your family again and live in bliss. Why give up the life of pleasure everyone dreams of to live here?" I looked from Lily, to Alastor, and back to Lily again. "A life without Al is a life I could not dream living. He is my soulmate and my one true love. A life without love is no life at all. A paradise without Alastor is Hell. A Hell with Alastor is Heaven. I am carrying his baby, and I will not separate father and child. Either we both go to Heaven, or neither of us go."

 Lily looked at me, a warm yet sad smile on her face. "I'm afraid that both of you going to Heaven simply cannot happen... He has not redeemed himself of his sins. If you insist on staying, so be it. However, since you have redeemed your soul, you and your family in Hell are safe from the Cleanse, as well as you get one thing you desire most. No strings attached, and no catches. Name your wish, and it will be granted." Safe? One wish? Staying with Alastor and all my friends? That sounds like a paradise to me! I looked at Al's sleeping figure, and immediately knew what my wish was. "My wish is for Alastor to wake up from this wretched coma.. That's all I need. Everything else will take time, but I will be right by his side to help him.

 Lily gave a slight nod of her head before stepping up to Al and placing her hand on his forehead. A golden glow came out of her hand filling the room in what seemed to be a soft evening light. Alastor's eyes snapped open with a loud gasp. He looked around, his eyes glassy and confused. "He will be this way for a while," Lily said, "Just wait until he can sit up and respond to things before bombarding him with all that has happened." I ran to his side and clasped his hand in mine, my eyes filling with tears of joy. I looked over my shoulder and quietly said, "Thank you." Lily smiled and nodded before turning away. A bright bean of white light flooded the room incasing the angel as she faded away. The beam became smaller and smaller until it was gone completely. 

I sat there and held his hand for what felt like years until he finally groaned and sat up, looking around the room. His eyes met mine and he smiled softly. "Mary.." is all he could say before I kissed him and held him close. His arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. "I'm so glad your back," I whispered. He leaned back and looked at me in the eyes. "My dear, could you tell me what happened? All I remember is going out in the woods... The rest is a blank spot."

 I recounted the events from the fight to when he woke up. As I did so his face fell more and more and his eyes got sadder and sadder. "Did... Did I really do that? Oh Mary.. My sweet Mary I'm so sorry.. I don't know what came over me," he said, his voice full of regret. I took his hands in mine. "It's alright.. You were in pain and you were hurt and drunk.. I had no idea how bad it was and I should have tried to understand instead snapping like that." He cast his eyes down, looking at the floor.

 "There is one detail I forgot to mention," I said, happiness creeping into my voice. Alastor looked up at me with a confused look. "What do you mean?" he asked cautiously. I looked into his red eyes and smiled brightly. "I don't know how you'll react to this, but I'm with child," I said, nervous but excited for his reaction. The last time I had told him this he freaked out and it ended up with me getting an abortion... Hopefully this time will be different.

Alastors POV:
With child? A child.. My child. Tears of pure joy sprang in my eyes as a wide smile spread over my face. "Really? Our own child?" I asked. She nodded her head slowly. I immediately took Mary into my arms and held her close. "I promise, this will be nothing like last time. I will love and cherish our child from now until forever." She buried her head into my shoulder and I felt my heart warm. I had always loved her, and I will love our child just the same. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. 

I raised my head and looked at Mary. "Do you have my coat?" She looked at me with bewilderment. "Yes. It's on the chair. Why do you ask?" she questioned. I smiled and told her to bring it here. She obliged and handed the familiar pinstripe coat to me. I reached into the inner pocket and pulled out a small box. "I had planned on doing this earlier, yet I couldn't find the nerve to do it. But it's now or never. I may be chained up to wires and strange plastic tubing, and I will make it up to you. But," I paused to open the box, "Will you marry me?" In the blue velvet box was a silver ring with a large diamond in the middle that seemed to glow in the light. Mary's hand went up to her face covering her mouth in sheer shock. Fresh tears filled her eyes as she nodded at me. "Oh Al, of course I will marry you!" I took her hand and put the ring on it. "Perfect fit," I said, my voice filled with love and compassion. Her golden eyes glowed with happiness as she leaned down and kissed me. 

In the middle of our moment, the door burst open startling us both. I turned towards the door to see all my friends (and Angel Dust) standing at the door. "Did you have to slam the door open?" I laughed. 

"OhmyhellAlastorwecameassoonasweheardwethoughtyouweregoingtodiepleasedon'teverdothatagain!" Charlie squealed and she ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back and apologized profusely. "Aw come on baby, you ain't gotta apologize for nothin'!" Angel said. I glared at him. "You ever call me that ridiculous nickname again I will make sure you need all gold teeth," I growled at him. He raised his hands in false surrender. "Whatevah you say, sugah," he said slightly mockingly. Fortunately for that irritating arachnid, Niffty came up and crawled in my lap like a small child. She laid her tiny head on me and snuggled up against me. Husk gave me the side eye, and said gruffly, "Don't do that again ya hear? I can't be going around losing customers." I laughed a genuine, hearty laugh. For once, the smile on my face was not strained nor forced. It was true. My head was silent except for my one thought. I'm the luckiest man in Hell.

A/N: again, im so sorry for not updating imaterribleauthor- Don't worry, this isn't the end! Peace out my little demons!

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