New Beginning

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Marys POV:
Vaggie stood behind me, braiding my dark curls into an intricate design. "Te ves hermosa, Mary," Vaggie said gently. I gave her a confused look, not understanding. She chuckled and said, "It means you look beautiful."

 She was right. I was in a long, white sheath dress with patters of beading on the skirt and a sequin design on the chest. It had a long, silky train with designs of beads on it. It had off the shoulder lace straps that complimented the sweetheart neckline. I had elbow length gloves made of silk, and my high heels glittered in the light. My bouquet was an arrangement of tiger lilies, red roses, and magnolias tied in a red silk ribbon.

 Rosie babbled in the corner and played with her toys, while Charlie watched over her with care. Today was the day I was getting married, and I couldn't help but tear up when I looked at myself. "I never thought I would get to marry Alastor twice," I said, choking up. Charlie looked up from Rosalyn, and gasped. "Oh, Mary! You look like a princess!" she exclaimed happily. She picked up Rosie, and came to hug me. She pulled away from me and looked in my eyes. "Al is gonna love it," she said, slightly bouncing up and down. I laughed and kissed Rosie on the cheek, awaiting that special hour but twenty minutes away. 

Alastors POV:
I paced back and forth quickly and thoughts ran through my mind in a panic. "Calm down," Husk growled, "You look fine." I paused, looking at him with wild panic. "I don't care about how I look! What if I stumble? Or mess up my vows? Or-" I was cut off by Husk putting his hands on my shoulders. "You won't mess up your vows, and you are way too graceful to stumble. Look at yourself." He turned me to the mirror. "You're marrying your soulmate today. I won't be around too much longer, but Charlie agreed to let me stay for the wedding before I went off to Heaven. You aren't going to mess this up, Al. I know it," he said with a warm smile.

 I stared at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a crisp, blood-red tuxedo with brass buttons, a white undershirt, and my favorite pair of trousers. Husker was right. Nothing would ruin today! 

I turned and gave him a hug. "Thank you, my dear friend," I said softly. He pulled away after a second and clapped me on the back. "Now go out there and get married, brother!"

Nobodys POV:
Alastor stood at the altar and looked down the aisle. The sun was setting, making the lights on the trees glimmer and sparkle. Husker was standing right beside him, as a best man should. The view was magical. Everything was clean and tidy, yes there way a mysteriousness about it that just made people want to explore it.

 The music started and everyone stood as Mary walked down the aisle. She had a bright loving smile on her face and a twinkle in her golden eyes. She reached the altar, and Charlie cleared her throat for attention. Everyone sat back down. 

"Friends and family," the princess began, "We are gathered today to witness the union of these two. Alastor, do you have your vows prepared?" The demon nodded his head. He took Mary's hand and stared deep into her eyes. 

"Mary, I loved you since the day we met. I loved you always. For over a century, you've been the one in my heart. And you will be in my heart forever after. I will be here for you, through everything. I will never lie to you again, and I will love you with all my heart. And I'm so happy you love me." 

As he said this, tears formed in his eyes. The truth resounded in his words like brass bells ringing. Charlie then instructed Alastor to lift up Mary's hand and put the rings on it. He did so, and also snuck a quick kiss on her hand before setting it back down. 

"Now, Mary," Charlie said, "Do you have your vows prepared?" Mary nodded slightly. 

"Alastor, you are the love of my life, and my afterlife. We have had our ups and downs, but we have overcome it all. Without you, my life would be half of what it is. You're everything I have. And I never want to be without you again." 

Charlie told the dark haired demon to put the ring on Alastor's hand. She did so, and looked at him with warmth and passion while doing so. "By the power vested in me as princess of Hell, I now declare you husband and wife," Charlie said excitedly, "You may now kiss the bride!" 

Alastors POV:
I took Mary's hand, placed my hand on the small on her back, dipped her down and kissed her. I pulled away and gazed at my wife. We whispered soft "I love you"s to each other before Angel came forward holding Rosalyn. "Say hi mommy and daddy! Congrats on sealing the deal," he said, holding up her arm and waving it. I laughed and took her in my arms, snuggling her close and kissing the top of Mary's head. "Now, you realize you can have a lot of hot, unprotected sex right?" Angel asked, elbowing me slightly. I shot him a glare, and he backed off laughing.

 We partied and laughed the evening through. Mary called all the females behind her so she could throw the bouquet. "Get ready! One, two, three!" She toss the flowers into the air. Vaggie managed to catch it, and her face went red as a tomato. Charlie looked at her with a bright smile and hugged her. 

As I looked around, I could tell this wasn't an ending. This was a beginning. A beginning with friends, and a family. A beginning of happiness. A beginning of a new life. I can't wait to see what this new life holds in store for us! 

A/N: I promise this isn't the ending! there is one more chapter! peace out my little demons!

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