Ep 1

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"Jungkook, why are you crying?", said his uncle softly looking at the little boy crouching down on the floor. The little boy look up with his glazing eyes without saying anything.

"Did your father mad at you again?", asked his uncle.

The little boy nodded slowly while sniffing, "Am I that bad, uncle? Dad always get angry at me whenever I step outside to see him.."

His uncle hugged him and pat the little boy's head slowly, "Don't cry Jungkook, your father just want to protect you from the outside world"

"I don't believe it, if so, why does he have to lock me up in my room all day?", said the little boy.

"Hmm, how about we go together tomorrow night?", his uncle suddenly gave an idea.

The little boy stop crying and look up to his uncle, "What if dad finds out?"

"I can just teleport, you know that I have power right?", said his uncle again with a wide smile.

The little boy plastered a bunny smile showing his teeth, excited for tomorrow night.




Jungkook opened his eyes slowly as if he had become accustomed to the dream. Not once, but ever since he was alive in this human world, he couldn't avoid the dream he had.

He wonders why,
He wonders how this dream relates with him. But he could not remember it.

There is only one person that he suspicious of. Song Yujin, a women who work at the library book not far from his friend's workplace.

"She is the answer to my question, I hope she won't freak out if I approach her suddenly", he muttered under his breath.

Later that morning, Jungkook prepared himself by wearing oversized hoodie and black jeans. He could feel his heart beating so fast when he thinks about what would be her reaction was.

On his way to the library store, his mind could not stop processing millions of questions on his head.

"Does she know me?"
"Did she has any relation with my past?"
"Who is she to me?"
"How did she know me?"
"And how did she know Jimin and Hoseok?"

He stop his track when he realized he had arrived in front of the library building. There, he saw the girl he wanted to meet, Song Yujin. She was about to go inside when she noticed a person standing not far from her.

Yujin turn to her right and locked eyes with Jungkook. She went surprised that she quickly broke the eye contact even though in her mind, she thought that maybe Jungkook had finally remember her.

"Uhm, do you want to come in?", Yujin asked politely but awkwardness filled the air that surrounds them.

Jungkook went snapped to reality. He was afraid to look at her face and just nodded.

"Well, we're just about to open, but come in. Maybe I could need some help", Yujin said without removing the smile on her face. She tried to control herself to talk casually like they were a stranger but she could not stop her heart from beating so fast.



Song Yujin's POV

"I'm so sorry to trouble you, though I can do this by myself if you are busy right now", I said towards Jungkook who went amazed as he looked around the store.

I was delighted when he approached my store thinking that he probably remember me but I guess he is just passing by.

Lately, I always saw him sitting outside his friend's workplace, more specifically, Jimin's workplace that were located not far from mine. Sometimes he would glance at my work and he will always avoid eye contact with me.

That is why I thought maybe he remembered something?

"Where is your.. aunt and that little kid..?", Jungkook suddenly asked causing me to snapped out of my thoughts.

Sadness filled my heart, "My aunt is dead two days ago due to heart attack"

Jungkook froze, "I'm sorry about that.."

"It's fine", I said, trying so hard not to cry in front of him cause it will make him feel bad about me. I don't want to be emotional today.

"Oh, Jung-", I paused, remembering that I should not call his name because we are stranger now, right? He would freaked out again if he know that I knew him before.

I took a glance towards him, he had his face suspicious of me.

"How did you know my name?", he uttered, still froze on his place.

"What?", I played dumb. "What do you mean? I was, uh-, I was happen to read about this Jung-gle Book. It was interesting, my little brother always love to read this", I said nervously.

Luckily this book was right in front of my eyes, if not, I would look like a creep.

"Ah, okay", Jungkook replied. Somehow, his eyes look unsure of what I explained. Why does he seems so suspicious?

"By any chance, does your name started with Jung?", I asked while re-arranged the book on the shelf according to it's genre.

"Yeah, my name is Jeon Jungkook. How about yours?", he continued.

"I'm Song Yujin", it feels weird talking like this to someone that I already know. I feel a little bit disappointed that he doesn't have any idea about who I am.

"Okay, how long has you been working here?", he asked softly.

Ever since you were gone..

"I started to build this library 6 years ago. I always love writing stories and just because of one book, I earned lots of money that it gets me to here. It has been my dream..", I explained happily.

Jungkook listened to what I was saying and seems to be interested, he was also organising the book in front of me, with his back facing me. I could freely look at him without being notice. I really do missed him.

How can we be like this.. Jungkook?
Can you ever remember me?

"Yujin.. I want to ask you something..", he said. I snapped and continue to place the book on the shelves.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Have we ever met before?"

Jungkook was standing in front of me, facing me eye to eye, his eyes written a question that I was not sure either I could tell him the truth or go with the lie.

Jungkook was standing in front of me, facing me eye to eye, his eyes written a question that I was not sure either I could tell him the truth or go with the lie

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