Ep 10

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Yujae laid his sister down on her bed slowly after they had reached their home. He brushed off the hair that covered her face and let out a soft sigh. His head started to think of the scary creature that attacked Yujin before - true it made him shivers but what more scarier than the thought of losing her sister.

If it wasn't for the four guys, he wouldn't have known about this. They came into the apartment when Yujae was about to head outside. It do surprised him when the four good looking man was searching for his sister, Yujin. He wondered if one of them was her boyfriend.

"Is she okay now?", voice from behind startled him a little. He turned himself around and it was Yoongi, the guy who led them here.

"Still unconscious. I hope she's awake soon"

Yoongi nodded. He bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to said towards Yujae, should he just erase his memories right now?

"I wonder, how can you knew my sister? I mean, since when?", Yujae asked out of a blue. Yoongi's eyes went bewildered.

"That-", he paused. "It's a long story, I'm sure she can give you simpler answer"

Yujae shook his head, "Do you really think she want to tell me everything? She had been keeping secrets from me for a very long time, I can't read her mind, I don't know what is she doing late at night.. probably crying. I don't know. But what I know is that she try to prove to me that she was stronger like nothing has happened", he went on, "She hides deepest secret and let herself suffer, I don't like that"

His eyes watered. He sniffed and stop himself from being emotional by a chuckled, "Anyway, I'm happy that atleast she had you and your friends"

From that on, Yoongi does not know of what to say anymore so he just nodded.
He stared into Yujae's eyes and when he wasn't looking, Yoongi placed his hand on top of Yujae's head and started to murmured some unknown sentence.
His eyes flashed color of navy blue eyes that caught Yujae off guard.

"Yoongi? What are you doing?", voice appeared from behind which belonged to Namjoon. 

He immediately put his hand down, "Changing his memory"

Jin raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean by changing?"

"You see, I don't want him to be involved into this matter and I can feel how much he cared for Yujin. He did saw the creature by himself out of fear and his heartbeat increases whenever he thinks about it, I just don't want him to have nightmare so I change the creature he saw as a human who threatens Yujin", Yoongi replied completely.

The three of them understood of what he was trying to say since Yoongi could detect someone's feeling and even get inside their mind.

"How's the thing?", He continued.

"She's gone. No- i mean, somehow, it can transform into anything that it want so I'm not sure of it's gender. Moreover, it was confusing about the way it talks, saying its not time for them to attack us", Jin explained while he roam around the room.

Yujae, on the other hand, was brought to his own room after being unconscious by the effect of changing his memory. 

"Do you think it's some kind of new to us?", Taehyung questioned. 

"It may be some new - or maybe some hidden creature that we don't know about", Jin answered. "But the question is, why it attack Yujin?"

The room went silence when non of them knew of the reason why. Taehyung placed a finger under his chin -  thinking hard about the creature who came suddenly and had the same black wings as he were.  He thought maybe they are the same species as he was but the difference was, they can transform, but he can't.

"Wait!", Namjoon shouted. "Does this related to the one who survived during the 16th century?"

Yoongi and Taehyung exchanged looks after Namjoon finished his statement. It was ridiculous to connect the matter with what happen in the 16th century since a creature like that wasn't exists but it do have some similar features as the creature who attacked their kingdom. So, it can be relatable.

Jin silently thought of the picture inside his pocket. A picture of Jungkook's uncle with other kids in front of the orphanage building. There was something he really need to do research for but don't have any time to do so. He think that may be this picture can tell something or maybe there's a hint. 

Without their knowing, Yujin has awake. She let out a small groaned before she slowly opened her eyes. When her vision are cleared, she tried to sat up when she heard voices around her. 

"Guys?", she called out. 

But there was no sound. The room are gloomy, it was dark, it doesn't seem as her room at all. It made her feel like she was somewhere at the outside world. She scanned around the room and noticed that the wallpaper was different than her's and even the white bed sheet wasn't belonged to her.

Just then, she noticed a mirror located in front of her bed, only a few meters away. As if someone was calling her, she went near to it without her wills. She stood in front of the mirror and stare at herself for a long time. 

Yujin noticed a letter written in yellow ink that says, 'Don't say it, don't think it'

There's some hidden message behind it. Yujin knitted her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

A sudden glitch on her reflection made her curious. It was a glitch of her normal self and.. her miserable, bloody and empty eye balls reflection forming a smile. 
'Don't say it and don't think it' , her reflection said countless time. Yujin's was in pain, she couldn't process anything and suddenly she was in a dark room, alone.

There stood a guy in front of her with his back faced her, "Yujae?"

Slowly, he turned around showing his skin face that was cut into half which revealed his insider. Red blood was streaming down, she screamed. And then she was awake.

"Yujin?!", Jin exclaimed when her screams startled himself and the others. Turns out she had a nightmare.

"Hey, what happen?", Jin asked as he tried to calm Yujin down. She was covered in sweat. Her heartbeat increases it speed. Yujin breathe for air and sees Jin in front of her. She was scared. She was afraid if the nightmare she had happened in the future.

"Jin!", immediately, she pulled him into a hug. "I was scared"

Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon witnessed the scene. They went surprised by the sudden hug she gave to Jin but well, not their problem.

Jin gulped his saliva down when the sudden hug made him surprised. His heart thumped faster, as if it was about to escaped his chest. Jin felt something by the hug, but the fact that he knew she was still belonged to Jungkook made him hold himself back from touching something that doesn't belong to him. It was wrong if he returned the hug back. It was wrong for him.

He pulled from the hug and held her shoulder, "What happen?"

Yujin's teary eyes caused him to want to protect her at all cost. He wished for this to not be happening towards her - but Jungkook had chosen her, so she must be strong for what may come. Either it was during sunshine or gloomy days.

"I had a nightmare - it frightens me - as if it was a warning or something", she cries.

Just then, someone knocked on her apartment room. 

The five of them looked at each other, Yujae was already been placed in his room and only them who left so.. "Who was coming?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now