Ep 4

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The sudden incident about just now made her jump in curiosity. She hold her both arms while her eyes focused on the ground as she walk back to her work place. Her thoughts reminiscing the incident of just now, she had no idea of who and where do they came from but for sure she knew that familiar robes they wore.

Yujin stop when a pairs of classic shoes was seen in front of her.

She looked up to the person and notice it was Jungkook. He had no expression on. His face looked so cold and pale.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here?", Yujin's eyebrows twitched upon seeing his pale face, he looked like a dead person, not gonna lie.

Instead of answering her, his eyes made his way down to her arms, "You still got the mark", he said, pointed out about the black mark on her skin.
(It's the black mark that indicates she was Jungkook's wife, if you remember from The Red Eyes Book 1)

Jungkook was not supposed to know that, but how does he?

"What about it?", she asked.

"Means you're still mine",
The way he said it seems so sincere and looked so serious about it. It managed to captured her heart from beating so fast even though she was still in confusion.

Yujin sense no lie from him, he was just standing there and stare at her without any smiles on his face. It was the same him from her past.

Then again, Yujin does not know what was he actually want to talk about.

"What are you trying to say, Jungkook?", Yujin asked, trying to control her beating heart.

Although he had said it clear enough, Yujin knows there must be something from the words he said. Jungkook look down and back to her eyes,
"I miss you and I have always been there for you. But I was-"


Another familiar voice yelled her name. Yujin knew who's the owner of the voice. She looked at where the voice came from and saw he was running towards her while his gesture told her to go to the sidewalk since she was standing on the road and there's a car behind her.

But Yujin won't move, her feet rooted down on the ground. Quickly, she was save by him.

"What the hell are you doing? Why are you standing at the road alone, uh?", his voice make her back to reality and she notice he was embracing her tightly.

"Yujae?", she managed to say.

"You are lucky that I was following you! If not, I don't know what will happen. What are you doing talking alone on the road actually?", he explained for what he saw that gives Yujin to give a thoughts about it.

"Do you see me standing alone there?", she asked back to confirm that she was hearing it right.

"Yes! You should have been more careful Yujin", Yujae nagged. He was so afraid that his sister will leave him too after his aunt.

Yujin went froze. So, the one who she saw just now was nobody? And she has been talking all alone this time?

"Are you okay, Yujin?", his little brother asked her upon seeing her shocked expression.

"I'm fine, what are you doing following me uh?", Yujin formed a small smirked causing him to blushed.

"I just want to follow, I'm bored at home", Yujae tried to act casual but his expression was obvious to his sister.

Yujin smirked, "Aww, you care about your sister here right?"
She ruffled his hair and pinch his cheeks. Yujae slap his sister's hand away and looked away.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now