Ep 17

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"Did you love Carnation flower?", the boy looked at her eyes that focused on the flower underneath them.

"Yes! My mother once gave the flower to me but it wilted", the little girl pouted.

He picked up the flower and gave it to her, "Here is a gift for you"
"Thank you ------------!"

Blood started to splattered everywhere. As if it has been cursed, an earthquake hit the kingdom causing several creatures died. 

"Annie, go save yourself. With this, I command you to go Earth!", a man in black suit yelled. 
"N-no ....", she trembled in fear. What she had done to deserve this?

"I will find you soon, Annie. Goodbye", his smile was the last thing she saw before everything went black.


Yujin gasped on the sudden dreams she had. She sat up and feel herself sweating, "What was that?", her heart beat increases. Her head throb after the shock. Question ran to her mind about the two children in her dream.

Never she had this dream before but why does it came?

Yujin heaved a sighed and decide to wash her face. She went to the bathroom, turn on the pipe and let the water flows. Carnation flower. She keep on thinking about it, she do love carnation flower until now but how did the dreams be related with the flower too?

She look under her sleeves and the line of the carnation flower were still there. She remember that this mark means she is Jungkook's wife, but why does it still here when Jungkook already gone?

"Ah, i don't know", Yujin shook her head and wash her face.

Little do she know a dark and tall shadow was looking at her from the mirror. The shadow look at her back figured and went to her bed, he place something on top of the cupboard before disappearing.

After washing her face, she went back to her bed and sat down. She took her phone on top of the cupboard and saw a black ring. 

"Huh? This wasn't here before", she went confused. 

She scanned the black ring carefully and a glitter of white could be seen inside it. She tried to insert it into her finger and it fit! 

"Wow, this looks amazing", Yujin stated. She extend her arms to the light and amazed by how pretty it was because of the change of color when it attracts light.

It changed into royal blue color when the lights entered.

But then she heard whispers, "Don't trust anyone"

Yujin looked around her room but nobody was there. The voice also familiar but she don't know who, it seems to be that person wanted his identity to be hidden. Yujin started to have goosebumps and took off the ring. 

She couldn't sleep until morning.

Yoongi's POV

"Jungkook! Don't run away just like that, you are still recovering", Namjoon nagged once we've reached the human world.

Jungkook ignored Namjoon's word and moved on to find the guy named Rei Queenza. He seems furious and rushed which is unusual for him. Jungkook usually take things smoothly and hear our opinion before doing something.

But this, probably the effect of coming back to his body hit him hard.

"Tell me, where is he?", Jungkook said. His eyes went darkened. He was angry.

"We don't know! Are you seriously gonna show up with that face?! We need to plan something, who knows what will he do right?", Namjoon nagged again. He smacked Jungkook's back to make him feel realization but his reaction was never changed - still in that moody yet furious looks.

"Do you even know who Rei Queenza is, Jungkook?", I started to said. 

The question made him stop on his track, he turn around and face me, "Of course I know"


He sighed, "I'm inside that body before too you know?"

I just nodded casually. "But can't we just slow things down? You just woke up from your death and it is too sudden to make things clear right now"

"Yoongi that's foolish, he won't even gonna listen to you", Namjoon huffed.

"Okay, let's go back", Jungkook turned and face Namjoon.

"Let's go, where do I go from here again?", Jungkook randomly moved his eyes to avoid embarrassment since he only know how to get into human world but forgot how to exit.

Namjoon massage his forehead, "C'mon kid"

They then vanished. I turned my attention towards the dark alley. I can feel someone was staring us three just now and i don't know if its just my instinct or did someone really was there.

A black fancy shoes went out of its hiding spot - dark shadow sensing someone was there. When he exposed his face, I rooted down on the ground. I don't know what to believe now but he is real that he was standing with emotionless face. 

"Do you trust me?", he said.

A group of people with black wings stood on both his sides. 

"They help me, now I want you to trust me. Will you, Yoongi?"

From that moment on, i just want to hit my head into a hard brick just to get this headache out of me. This scenario was hard to understand and I don't know who to trust in this situation. This black wings people similar to Taehyung so I wonder if he knew them?

No, I shouldn't care of it. They are waiting for my answer. And before i get to say something they made me faint.


Jin's POV

I looked around Jungkook's room and the picture were still on my palms. The girl face really feels familiar that I then found another picture that I've found under the desk. 

A captured picture of a new built orphanage building by Jungkook's father. Jungkook's father was standing in the middle while being surrounded by the kids. On the other side of that, a man was standing not far from them, his eyes glued on to one of the kids there.

When I followed to where he looked at, he was staring at the blonde haired girl.

"What are you looking at?", Namjoon suddenly appeared beside me causing me to hide the picture.

I don't know why.

Jungkook was staring at my actions and sat down on his bed, looking hopeless.

"Since when you are here?!", I shouted.

"Just now", Namjoon replied.

"Where's Yoongi?", I asked since only two of them who came.

Namjoon suddenly realized but he casually stated, "He will come back soon, probably he have to do something"

I just nodded without any hesitation.

I turn my attention towards Jungkook and he seems to be so deep in thoughts.

"Jungkook, why did you ran away?", I asked.

He raised his head up, "Cause he was hurting Yujin"

"But we should know their intentions too, this is not like you, you know that?", I explained.

Namjoon nodded of what I said.

"What am I supposed to do then?", Jungkook said, he seems furious.

"Relax, we will find a way to get Yujin notice about the fake Jungkook"

Though there are still few things I needed to confirmed myself. About the guy inside the picture and about Rei Queenza who suddenly look out for Yujin.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now