Ep 26

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Claudia's POV

Jun and I had arrived in front of the gate that were made of metal gold. The gate open automatically before we made our entrance. Jun took a glimpse of the small-round bowl on my hand that were filled with Rei's soul. The bowl looked like a pearl from the seashell, but this one, is for evil souls, to trapped them so that they won't escape but it was still audible for us to hear what they are saying though they were trap inside.

The sound of my heels clacking echoed the hallway as I made my way inside to the headmistress's room. 

Just before I entered the headmistress room, I was being called. 

I turned around and it was Samantha. The lady who had a positioned of a grim reaper, not high than my level though. I raised my eyebrows, "Samantha? What happen?"

From the look of her face, she seems to be exhausted. Probably after chasing somebody's soul.

"H-Haemon! H..he's escape!", she blurted out in between her heavy breathe.

My eyes widened. This is not good. If Haemon escape, there's only one intention of why he did that. Revenge.

"F*ck, how did he? Didn't I tell you to watch out for him?", Suddenly I burst out of anger since Haemon was not someone can messed with. He will be difficult to be caught once he was escape. 

Then, he must be after Jimin and the others!

"I walk around his prison to check him up, didn't I know that he use his power against me", Samantha explained.

"But, he wasn't be able to use his power here.. how can he?"

I have no time to think about this, I have to go now. So, I handed the small bowl in Jun's hand, "Give this to the headmistress, I have to go now", I said. 

There must be someone he use for a bait to get him out of here.

I just wonder.. what makes him desperate for revenge.


Flashback - Part 1

 -YEAR 1678-

In the beginning, human and monster were forbidden to meet because of their huge differences. Monster can hurt human by 'accidentally' feeling thirsty by their blood or even just by looking at their body- at how delicious human flesh were if they are able to ate em.

The King provide rules for them not to ever came into the other side world, the King (Jungkook's father) just want peace and harmony for them to live without even eating human flesh. This is because Jungkook's father had falling in love with a human and gave birth to Jungkook who had mixed blood now.

When Jungkook was born, his mother received her death. Things change when her mother started to die. The truth about his father marrying a human was then be exposed. The rumors made the creature feeling unsatisfied by the statement and was feeling unfair.

The King admit his mistakes and Jin, his loyal yet trust-able soldier suggest him to marry with a creature of the same type as them to clean his name. Jungkook's father agreed to his idea and soon the rumors went stable and were being forgotten.

One day, a boy at his age, very innocent and naive approached Jungkook when he saw Jungkook play with the swing alone.

He sat down on the swing on his side and asked, "Why are you here alone?"

Jungkook went surprised hearing the high speech voice beside him. He turn around and shocked written all over his face, "Um-"

That time, he was afraid to say anything since all the kids only want to laughed him off when they asked that and will immediately leave him alone. He thought the kid will be the same as the others when suddenly he went closer near him.

"I hear that the other kids don't want to play with you?", he paused and scanned Jungkook's sad face. 

"My name is Haemon, Choi Haemon. Can I play with you?", he extend his hand for a handshake causing Jungkook to be bewildered by his action.

That day was the best day for Jungkook since Haemon was the first friend he ever made before Annie. Jungkook accept the handshake with a proud smiles and the both of them play together.

Years went passed by and Jungkook was now 11 years old. He quickly finished off his food and rushed out of the castle to meet with Haemon as they promised to meet at the same park. They has been continuously meet with each other after that day and always play together despite the weather was good or bad.

But this day, not just the weather, but also the situation went bad.

Jungkook has arrived at the place where they were supposed to meet. When he arrives, Haemon was already sat on the swings. Jungkook silently giggles and approached him. 

"Haemon-yah!", he greet.

Haemon went shocked and look up to him. Jungkook thought Haemon will be happy to see him but his thoughts were wrong. Haemon has changed.

"Jungkook.. I know that we are friends but this has gone too far. I cannot stand with this pain anymore..", Haemon stated.

"What do you mean?", Jungkook went confused.

Haemon started to become teary when he remembered of what the other kids made fun of him for playing around with a kid like Jungkook.

"Because of you! I lost all my friends, they don't even want to play with me anymore! And always call me 'Jungkook's toy friend' and sometimes 'Jungkook girlfriend'. I'm sick and tired of hearing it everyday!", Haemon burst out.

"B-but, we can still be friends", Jungkook said. He went saddened knowing that Haemon also went bothered thinking about other's perspective.

Jungkook was about to pat his shoulder when Haemon yanked his arms away, "My parents are right, I shouldn't have be friend with you if I don't want to get hurt. You will only drag me far away from my own world, it's better if we ended this friendship right here"

The sky growls and the day became gloomy. Jungkook wanted to yelled not to leave him go but he knew it will not make any difference if he said that. Just like that, Haemon leaves. 

Rain is pouring when Jungkook made his way to the castle. He was so happy when he met a new friend but then all of them just turn their back on him. 

Jungkook paused his track in front of the castle's door. He don't want his father or others saw him soaked with rain like this. He looked like a mess now and he hated his life even more knowing he was different from the other creature.

He decided to ran away to the forest to calm himself down.

He hid behind the tall yet large tree without knowing there was a small house around.

Jungkook crouched down on the grass. Being different from the others hurt his pride. He thought Haemon and him will be best friend for longer time but he didn't expect this time to come.

Then thoughts started to mixed. He shouldn't have be born in this world if he's gonna be hurt like this. So he blame his parents for give birth to him and he hates his father for being afraid of other creature thoughts of him that he decide to marry another one.

"Hey, why are you crying?", sound of a female voice made him snapped out his thoughts.

He looked up just to saw the blonde hair girl. And that was when he met Annie, the girl who changed his life.


A/N : The flashback does not end here. Stay updated for the next chapter.

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