Ep 11

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Jungkook's POV 

I sat at my usual place ; outside Jimin's cafe at the bench with a book on my hand. I stare at the cover book, 'The Red Eyes' was the titled and this was the book that I've borrowed from Yujin.

Thinking of her, I don't see her came to work today. Even yesterday when I sat here, she was nowhere to be seen. I wonder what had happened. Hope I would be able to see her soon.

Ah, wait, why am I even bothered to meet her? It's not that she cared about it didn't she? 

I shook my thoughts off, yeah, she won't even care..

To let my mind off things, I opened the book and started reading from pages to pages. 
Not gonna lie, this story amazed me. As if she has been experience it but I can also say that she had a brilliant mind for writing this. And the main character named KJ -  the mysterious name all along are KJ. She doesn't revealed the real name though..

'He grabbed my wrist and lead me down the basement, unsure of that, his intention was to locked me inside', 
Wow, this guy is rude. I was so immersed with the book that I didn't realized someone approached me.

A shadow of a person was blocking the sunlight and I can feel she was standing beside me. I looked up and a smile plastered on her face.

I hate to see a stranger suddenly came up to me.
No, what's wrong with me?


Yoongi's POV 

"Who was knocking?", we whispered spontaneously.

I notice the confused look on Yujin's face. She raised her both eyebrows, "What's wrong with you guys? Let me open the door"

"No wait!", Taehyung blocked her way as she had already gotten up from the bed.

"What do you mean? It can be someone that we know!", Yujin argued.

Jin grabbed her wrist and sat her down, "But do you know who was behind the door? What if it was something bad?"

Yujin went silence by the statement. She probably remember about the incident where she got attacked all of a sudden by the unknown creature.

"Yoongi, you can do your thing now", said Namjoon. I nodded and concentrated myself by the thing I was about to do.

I tried to look outside the wall by my vision. I get through it and a examined the person.

"Hello? Miss, I had a letter for you", I guess it was the housekeeper who said it. I can hear the fuss on behind me. Yujin thinks we are being paranoid or overprotective but she doesn't know of what was coming.

I saw a guy! He was wearing black denim jacket and a white tees as his insider and a black jeans. He was tall, but why I couldn't see his face? It was blurry and suddenly...
Why do I see a glitch? A black shadow? Wait, what is happening to my vision? 

A sudden sharp sound sting my head causing me to lose focus. I groaned whilst my eyes are closed. It hurts! Who is he? If it's like this then he surely know I was able to see throughout the walls.

Damn it!

"Yoongi? Are you okay?", their panicked voice gave me much more headache. 
I stumbled backward and sat down on the bed. 

"Hey, can you hear me?"

I stopped. Who's voice am I hearing? It seems like it talked to me but only me can heard him. 

"You see.. don't try to see through wall, don't do it ever again"

What does he mean by saying that to me? Is he some kind of creature that I should be afraid of?

He laughed, "Yes you should be afraid of me, I can make you go crazy. You will lose your friend you had now. Ah, shouldn't be saying this but, just protect her and watch her, who knows that the moment you closed your eyes, she has gone"


"No need to know who I am, you guys will meet me sooner", he paused. "Did I just hear that she had a younger brother? Oh, you guys shouldn't let him be alone, you see"

No.. NO!

I dashed out of the room to Yujae's room. I don't want anyone to be hurt because of this, fuck!
I can hear Jin and the others were following me too.
Damn it. He knew my actual weakness!

Arrived, I barged open the door and Yujae was nowhere to be seen. Huffing, I yelled his name, "Yujae! Song Yujae! Where are you?"

"Yoongi! What happen? Why are you running?", Namjoon try to talked but I ignored him.
My only concerned now is Yujin's younger brother. Where is he?!

Sound of the door click caught my attention. I quickly turned to my left and saw Yujae with a towel wrapped on his waist - while he looked at me and the others in surprised.

"Wh-what are you guys doing here?", he asked.

I relieved a sighed. He tricked me! 

Jin grabbed my arms and lead me out of the room followed by Namjoon and Taehyung. We leave Yujin alone with his brother. 

When the place is safe, Jin let me go. 

"What's with that sudden action of yours?", he paused. "Spill it out"

I looked at the three of them and took a deep breathe before I explained everything to them. From the moment I heard the whispers until the talked about Yujae. Their expression is as shocked as I were.

"Hmm", Jin hummed.

"Oh my god, there's too much information that I have to process. I think my mind got stuck!", Taehyung yelled.

All of us just keep silence.
Since everything still happen all of sudden.

We don't know who he was. And probably it was difficult to find the answer without Jungkook.


"Sis? What are you doing here?", Yujae asked when Yoongi and the others leaves.

Yujin went wide eyes, she had never even entered Yujae's room ever since he was big already and now seeing him.. even with a towel wrapped around him seems uncomfortable for her.

It's like she's watching somebody else's body.

"Oh my god!", she covered her eyes in embarrassment before went out of the room.

"Uh? Sis!", Yujae went confused. "Did I do something wrong again?"



𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now