Ep 19

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Yujae's POV

"I'll have this one and dalgona coffee"

"Me too"

"Okay, anything else?", I said after jotting down the order. The customer shook their head and I excused myself to sumbit their order towards the chief.

"Good work today, Yujae", I looked to my side and it was my work mate, close enough with me.

"Thanks, noona", I smile sheepishly.

She gave me a wide smile and scoffed, "Yah, don't call me noona. Just call me with my name!"

"Pfft, yes I understand. Lee Ji Eun"

"That's much better", she said.

When I looked at her, I can't believe that she was older than me since her height was too adorable for a 26 years old lady. She is 162cm while I'm 179cm, more taller than her.

The first I work here, I was always being bullied by the others worker, they always told me to do their work and I have no choice but to do it.

Fortunately, Ji Eun noona was there to help me get through them everytime I'm in trouble and now they don't even dare to said any word towards me since she is also one of the daughter of the boss here.

That's why I'm lucky.

"By the way, did your sister know you are working here?", she suddenly said.

I played with my cap thinking of what will Yujin's reaction when she knew I took part time job. She strictly warned me not to have my own part time jobs since I have to focused on studies and let her do the things but how can I focus when she is struggling on her own?

I'm the only family she have and she is the only one I got.

"Yujae?", she snapped her finger in front of my face.

I quickly replied, "No.. she doesn't know"

"Aigoo, you", Ji Eun smacked my back lightly and continue, "You shouldn't done that to your sister, who knows what she might feel for you, y'know!"

"I know but she will get angry if she know this..", just the thought of her yelling at me got me scared. She looked like a gorilla once she's mad especially when she's on her period.

Ji Eun sighed, "The best way to protect someone feelings is to speak the truth. If you continue to hide it, sooner or later they will find out and you will regret for not choosing to tell the truth"

I went silent. Her words are true, moreover she's a women like Yujin too so she must've know her feelings more than I do.

"Let's get back to work, the customer almost leaving", she said and I nodded.

Just then, my friend, Roowon came up to me holding my phone, "Yujae, for you"

I took it and saw my sister's name on the caller ID.

"Hello?", I said.

"Are you the owner of the phone guardian?", a stranger of a male voice said from the other side of the call.

What happened?

"Yes, I am. What happen to my sister?"

"She is unconscious now and I already call the ambulance to come, we'll bring her to the nearest hospital, please come"

"I will", my heart increases. What is happening right now?!


"Rowoon, I'll be leaving early now. EMERGENCY CALL!", I said out loud and strauded out of the restaurant.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now