Ep 29

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Jungkook stares at the new look of Yujin. This is her, he has brought her inner self out. Jungkook knew all along about what Yujin are capable of, she is much more capable than she thought. He being unbothered when receiving the punch were just an act to brought her inner self out.

If Yujin went disappointed or angry, her true self will came out especially if it's related with Jungkook. Yujin softly landed on the ground. When she realized it, she widened her eyes. She looked on her palm and questioned herself, why did she changed? How is this possible?

Jungkook stand up and made his way to her, "Your body react to your power, i'm glad it came out at the right time"

Yujin looked at Jungkook in confusion. 


Jungkook and Yujin turn to the owner of the voice that sounded not too far from them. It was Jin who were calling. He brought Jimin, Jhope and Claudia behind him. 

Jin notice Jungkook was there with her and his heart couldn't handle the overwhelm feeling just by seeing the both of them together but he decided to ignored it as long as Yujin is safe. He should've know that Jungkook was there to protect her at all cost.

"You guys are here", Jungkook said.

Claudia felt something was off. She scanned around the surrounding while Jin and Jungkook were talking for a minute. She felt a presence of some dark yet gloomy aura. 

Jimin notice her anxious look. He hold her hand whilst saying, "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

The sense of touch by Jimin's hand shocked her. She snapped out of her thoughts and told him, "I feel someone's presence.. it felt familiar"

Jimin immediately looked around. Jin heard her and also went aware by what was about to come. Jungkook kept Yujin close to him when he also sense the presence of somebody getting closer to them, as if watching from afar, but their vibes were too close.

Jungkook's eyes made it ways towards Yujin. He throws a stake right on the empty space behind Yujin. It strikes into the heart of the invisible creature. The sudden act of Jungkook caused Yujin took abrupt forward and bump with his chest, she was still in a state where she's confused and shocked of herself causing her to act that way. 

The stake struck right into the heart of the creature behind her, Jungkook was too sharp to notice him. The creature went visible to their eyes now. Jungkook's uncle, was the culprit.

He breathe out heavily and roughly, the stake was his weakness. 

"You... are just like your...father..", he paused and fall down on the ground. "I'm glad.. you are alive"

Others rushed to the scene, their eyes couldn't believe Jungkook's uncle showed up. What was he gonna do?

"Jungkook.. i'm sorry, I can't stop Haemon.. but you will", just when the mentioned of Haemon's name, there's a sound  of bricks from behind them. Jungkook just stare at his uncle without feeling anything, he just went empty hearted.

Haemon has awoke, he stood in front of the group. He laughed and went amazed by Yujin's power. It was so strong. Unlike any other creature he had ever face with.

"Wah~ this gonna be interesting. Yah, Jungkook.. your girlfriend is good uh. And oh? Look who's here, Kim Seokjin, which happen to be Yujin's ex boyfriend", he laughed out loud as if it was funny for him.

Yujin felt awkward when he pointed out Jin and her ex-boyfriend. Jungkook ignored what Haemon's said though he knew what she feels. Jungkook's uncle grab Jungkook's arm and he turned around.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now