Ep 14

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"What if... it's true that you have met me before?", I finally said it but is it okay to tell them?

Hoseok expression was calm. I didn't expect him to be like this, I thought he would have been surprised.

He smiled, "It's just a what if's, besides, I cannot imagine what will happen though"

I laughed, "Aww man! Is it this hard to trap you into my jokes? You no fun!"

"Ehhh? Was it a joke in the first place?", he lied. I hate to see his acting like he was dumb or something.

Well, in the past, the first I met him.. he had always argue with either Namjoon or Yoongi. Back in those days, he was the dumbest of all of them. I mean, he was kind of slow into something serious but was smart to make people laugh or smile. Now, he seems to be the smartest than me, or was it his true self at all?

I can't differentiate when people change.
I mean, are they really change or was it their true self that they never showed to anyone?

People are unpredictable sometimes. Even I, too, cannot understand myself sometime.
Who am I?

"You see, actually I kind of having weird dreams about the blonde haired guy", he continued.
"And he is smaller than me, in that dream, he always push me off when he needed someone the most. Am i dumb?"

Was it Yoongi? He is the closest to him though. I really want to tell them the truth but I don't want to make any mistakes without even asking Jin or the others about it first. No more clumsy mistakes this time.

Through that, I didn't reply to his sayings. I just kept silence before my mouth make scene.

"Oh, it's almost midnight, you should go home. Do you want me to give you a ride?", Hoseok asked.

"No, its fine! I don't want to trouble you", I said. Waving my hands in front of his handsome face.

He chuckled, "Its kinda late for a woman like you to go out at this time. Let me send you"

He was getting closer towards me. I cannot breathe when he was an inch away from me. Damn Hoseok, what are you doing? I quickly push him away from me to give us both some distance.

"I'm fine! You don't have to get close to me like that dude!", I yelled. He was laughing his ass off seeing me scared. Well, i'm not scared, I just don't want this heart to have a heart attack.

"I was just making fun of you, If you don't want that to happen then its either you sleepover at my house or I send you home. Choose!", he smirked and wrapped his arms around his chest.

He is smart at fishing someone, isn't he?

"Fine! Send me home then"


"But what about Jungkook?", I pointed at his unconscious self.

"Nah, he used to sleep here anyway so it will be fine. Let's go", Hoseok get his car key and we both went out to his car.

I'm not sure what kind of feeling is this but i feel uneasy to let Jungkook alone by himself in this house. What if he suddenly have a nightmare? What if there's someone who is after him?

"Yujin!", I snapped on my thoughts when Hoseok called my name.

"I'm coming!", I replied. I took one last glance on Jungkook and closed the door behind me. Of course I locked it too.

I hope there's nothing going on...

On our way to the my apartment, I suddenly reminded of something.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now