Ep 24

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Author's POV

In a monster's world, Namjoon and Taehyung were surrounded with the black wings creature that were with Yoongi.

There were still question written on Taehyung's mind. The black wings do similar with him and it was also strange that he never knew his parents and where he came from. Yoongi seems to know that he was the lost prince which he never knew about.

"Yoongi, so why did you disappeared that day?", Namjoon started the conversation while they are on their way to the human's world.

Yoongi glance at Namjoon before explaining, "That day.. when we are chasing the fake Jungkook to human world and you both had already back  home, i was left there when I heard whispers and then out of the blue, the real Jungkook showed up with these guys", Yoongi turn to the black wings people.

He then continue, "Actually, Jungkook's existence was because of them, they found Jungkook's soul that was trapped inside the black ring. It seems to be that he ever gave a ring to Yujin before. that is the only thing he had to make her remember him so that he can come back once she remembered. They are the one who help him to recover his power back but his power are not so strong as before that is why they bought me there to heal him and recover his power back before it's too late.. but.."

"But what?", Taehyung suddenly said when Yoongi stop halfway of the conversation.

Yoongi suddenly became hesitant to tell them. He was afraid it will affect them for saying the unfortunate thing since he also have to keep his promise to Jungkook to keep it as secret.

Now, he gulped down his saliva, trying to find things to change the topic.

It was not too long when Taehyung said, "Jungkook is now alive, so, was there something he need to do?"

That caught his attention, Yoongi then replied, "Yes, since most of his enemy knew about Yujin having mixed blood, he need to end them all. Including the dragon and snake"

"Dragon and snake?", Namjoon and Taehyung said simultaneously.

"The one who survive on the 16th century, yes it was them. There's only 1 dragon who alive around us but we don't know where it lives yet", Yoongi uttered.

Taehyung started to be familiar by the word dragon. He seems to know who that man is, after searching back his memory, he started to remember who it was.

"Ah! You mean Leo? He is my fortune teller and I will always go to him though", Taehyung casually stated.

Yoongi and Namjoon looked at him in shocked, "YOU MEET HIM?"

Taehyung nodded innocently. Yoongi went serious looking at him, "Where did you see him? How many times?"

"He is quite close near the castle though. See?", Taehyung point to the small house located just in front of their castle. Yoongi and Namjoon had never really saw that small wooden house before but now it showed up. 

Yoongi and the black wings guys nodded before all of them barged inside the small house. Their jaw wide open when spacious hallway welcome them. It was not ordinary for other creature to do it like this though. 

All of them went inside slowly while minding their own step. Taehyung also couldn't believe that Leo was one out of two that survived on the 16th century, but then what was his business with Jungkook?

"He is not here!", Yoongi went panic after they search for him from corner to corner. The dragon has gone as if he knew they will came to look for him.

Namjoon huffed, "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Time where you guys being kidnapped. He was looking to my future and tell me where you guys were", Taehyung replied.
(This is from Book 1)

"That was not good", said the women with black wings. 

The three of them turn to her in unison to hear her explanation more. She looked at Taehyung with concerned on her face, "He was trying to absorbed your power and get into your mind with it, you will not realized that you are suddenly became weak because of him. And he will slowly make use of you for something.."

Taehyung scoffed, "I don't believe--"

Just what she said, Taehyung stumbled backwards. All of a sudden Taehyung went dizzy, his head seems to be spinning and there's something that trying to take control of him. 

"That's one of the symptoms! He is trying to control him.. we can't let it happen", the lady started to get ready with her weapons.

Taehyung was crying out for help, it must be Leo who want to take control of his mind.

"Tae, get a hold of yourself! Don't let him in!", Yoongi yelled.

"I, I can't.. he seems to be hurting my mind..", Taehyung replied in between his heavy breathe. He then fall on the ground. He don't move an inch and only his breathing could be hear on that silence room.

"Taehyung?", Namjoon whispered and went closer but the lady stopped him.

"Don't, that evil soul must be inside him already"

"Evil soul?"

"That's not the dragon.. or the snake who went inside him", she said.

Just then, Taehyung let out a laughed, "You're right, I'm only the evil soul"

Taehyung slowly lift his head up showing his flashed dark green eyes that seems to be captivating. But that also the eyes that caught their attention.

"Kwon Ji Yong aka GD", Namjoon glares at him.

(From this i will only use GD name to describe his action but do not forget that GD was controlling Taehyung's body, yea)

GD slowly stand up, he dust himself off and a smirk planted on his face. 
"Surprise?! It must be shocking yea?"

"How did you come back?", Namjoon asked.

"The dragon brought me back. That time, I actually am dying but he heals me and take care of me. You guys, especially Jungkook was facing with the unbeatable creature this time. It doesn't matter if i'm going to die right now but he will not be an easy opponent to fought with", GD gave them a stares that filled with anger and hatred.

"Now he is on his way to that Jungkook", GD laughs creepily. He seems to be satisfied.
"And your other friends will die in front of your eyes!", he continued.

"Why must Taehyung?"

Yoongi said. GD stopped laughing and raised his eyebrows, "Taehyung is the one who approached but it is not only him.. but his other friend who ever met the dragon too"



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