Ep 2

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Jungkook's POV

"Have we ever met before?", I said, anticipating for her answer but she just froze on her place without saying anything.

Did I went too fast that it caused her to became shocked like this? What if she actually does not know me and I was wrong all this time thinking we have met before?

"Yes, we ever met before", her answer completely make me rooted down on the ground. I was right!

"When?", I asked again.

"The day when your friend accidentally drop my ice cream", she smile sheepishly.

That's it? That's the day we first time meet each other?

"Oh, yeah..", this can't be right. Why does I seems unsatisfied with her answer?

If I remember clearly, that day really was the first time I met with her but.. ah! I know, I still remember when she called Jimin's name.

"Yujin!", I called out her name. She immediately turn around by responding a 'yes', I want to know what would be her answer is when I asked her about this.

"How did you know Jimin that day?", I keep my voice stable. Her reaction was beyond my imagination. I thought she would bewildered by the question I ask but instead.. she smile.

"I know Jimin because I ever came to his café. His place are popular these days so maybe that'll explain why he does not know me because I'm just his customer", She explained. I sense no lies from her.

Maybe she does telling me the truth. It's just me who thinks too much.

"Why'd you ask?", she asked.

I brush at the back of my neck shyly, "I'm just curious about how you know my friend's name. I thought maybe we ever know each other before because my feeling says so", I whisper the last sentence, unsure if she can hear me.

She chuckled, "It was a coincidence or Deja Vu maybe"

"Yeah.. maybe", I replied, continuing with helping her with the book.

I was organizing the book according to the alphabet from A to Z like that. Her book amazed me by how easily the title of the book caught my attention. Yeah, I read some of the pages of her book while organizing.

No wonder she was able to build this store.

Suddenly my eyes caught something that attracts me. The Red Eyes. I took the book out of the shelves and scanned the cover of the book.

"Do not look at his eyes, It was curse.
He will either make you his prey or his bride forever"

This book seems interesting. After all her name was written on this cover saying written by Song Yujin.

"Jungkook? What are you up to?", Yujin's voice startled me a bit. I almost jumped.

"This book was written by you, uh?", I said while smiling.

I can't read her face so well that I can't tell if she was blushing or seems uncomfortable. Either both.

"Yes, it was made by me", she replied. "Do you.. want to read it?"

I nodded. "Can I borrow?"

"Not for free", she said in a friendly way but then continue, "Since you have already help me.. I will let you borrow it for free, okay"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now