Special Episode

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By the way, I want to say thank you to Midnight_dolphins for giving me ideas of the villian name and also thalassophile_07 too! Thanks❤


Yujin's POV

It was morning the first I opened my eyes. The sun rays enters the window of the castle. I got up feeling excited than usual. I was surrounded with the room i'm in on my first time here. Without knowing, I smile to myself. 

I made my way to the window to have a good look of the outside view. 

The view was soothing, it gave me good energy and the tree were surrounded by the foggy weather, this view captivated my eyes. Just then a white wolf was seen on the entrance along with Jin who rides it. 

He waves his hand on me and I returned it back. Jin hop off the wolf's back and the wolf changed into its human form. It was Yoongi. I smile looking at them.

Just then the door of my room barged open revealing Taehyung with his newly black hair. I was surprised that he looked much more prettier than before. In overall, all of them are.

"Ready to start the day?", he formed a wide smile causing me to snapped out of my thoughts. 

"Right! How could i forget?", I replied.

Taehyung nods, "I'll see you at the garden, yeah?"


He closed the door slowly while I get myself prepared for the day. I was filled with excitement even when I've already dressed up and made my way downstairs where I found the boys.

"Good morning, Annie!", Jhope said while holding a book. I was about to look at the titled when he quickly swift his hand backwards to hid it from me.

"Hey, good morning too. What's that you are reading?", I asked curiously.

I notice his eyes shaking, "Ah, it's nothing"

I look at him suspiciously and raised my eyebrows without saying anything but that made him even more nervous. 

"Yujin! Taehyung is waiting for you at the garden", Jimin came out from the kitchen with a cup of hot drink.

"Oh, right!", I gasped. He must have been waiting for me for long! I quickly made my out of the castle and on my way out of the door, I bumped into Jungkook. I stumbled backwards by the hard bump and I felt his hand grabbed on my waist whilst pulling me closer to him.

"Are you okay?"

How can he asked me that when we are too close with each other now! I can almost feel his lips and his breathe brush against my face. I went reddened. 

"I-i-i'm okay, I'm fine", he quickly let go of me when he realized the position we are in and how Jhope, Jimin are looking at the both of us now.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?", he asked looking straight into my eyes. 

"To the garden with Taehyung", Jungkook went tense when I mentioned his name. "He is going to be my teacher for today!"

Jungkook was in dazed, as if there was something he worried about. So I called out his name to get his attention back, "I have to go now, he must be waiting", I said and head out of the door when he called my name.

I turned out and raised my eyebrows, "Yes?"

He blinked and paused for a moment before saying, "No, it's nothing", he insert his hand inside his side pocket and smiles. I went surprised for a moment, does he want to say something? But nevermind, I have to go now. I smile back and ran my way to the garden.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now