Ep 12

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Yujin ran out of the room and bumped into someone's shoulder. 
"Oww!", she rubbed her forehead.

The person stumbled backwards, unaware of Yujin's presence. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

"It's okay.. it was my fault. I should be more careful", she lifted her head slowly to looked at the person. Once she scanned his face, her heart jumped.

"Oh my gosh!", they said spontaneously while pointing at each other.


Yujin paused, "Who the hell is Songil?!"

Jun paused, he murmured to himself 'shit, i thought she was my ex for a second'
He cleared his throat, "I mean, Yujin?!"

"What are you doing here?", Yujin talked. 

"No, what are you doing here?", he screamed, still shocked to see her.

Is it that difficult to answer her question? Yujin gritted her teeth in annoyance whilst calmly stated, "I live here", she wrapped her arms to her chest.

By looking at Jun's clothes, white button up shirt were tucked inside his black skinny jeans and his hair was perfectly combed - looked like he was about to fetch his girlfriend? But.. in this place?

He was sweating, he felt hot for some reasons when she scanned him up and down. Jun was afraid she found out - and what she thought was true. He was here to fetch his girl.
"My reason to came here is not your business! Do you see this document? I'm not here to date or anything!"

With that, he left still ashamed of himself. He don't want Yujin to know cause she will surely make him as laughing matter. Now she ruined his mood to have a date that he canceled his plan.

"Gosh, what a temper!", she rolled her eyes. 

Just then, Jin appeared in front of her causing her to have a heart attack. "GOD! CAN YOU NOT APPEAR ALL OF A SUDDEN MAKING SOMEONE TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK?!"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows by her sudden scream, "I'm sorry, i thought you used to it"

Yujin took a deep breathe, "Huff, don't do it again"

Jin nodded. "I'm here to tell you that we'll be going back now. There's something we need to do but Taehyung and the others have already left and want me to tell you this."

Upon hearing this, Yujin knew there must be something going on that she don't know about. By the look of Jin who seems to be worried and stressed about something reminds her about the past. Guilt still sends her down that it made her wants to hide whenever Seok Jin were there.

She knew she made mistakes in the past and broke his heart but just this once, she want to help him out. If she couldn't helped him for this matter, she hoped she can help by released his stress. 

"Uhm.. are you going to come back?", Yujin asked. Jin looked at her, unsure of what she meant by those.

"Yes, since we need to keep an eye on Jungkook too. Why'd you ask?"

Yujin bit her lips, "About the past.. when you pretend to be human.. can you.. can you do it again.. this time?"

This is embarrassing, Yujin thought.

Seok Jin went surprised but managed to let out a small chuckles. "Yes, of course"

"Then - i'll see you next time?"

Jin raised his arms up and ruffled patted her head. His action was so sudden but his heart beat differently, it was beating so rapidly. 

"Take care of yourself, If you need me, you know how to call me", Jin smiled. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 #2 : 𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑡 𝑀𝑒  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now