Chapter 8: Unveiled

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Grayheart's POV:

After Liontail stopped moaning about his sore pads, we headed off again. I think I could see the mountains, but we're still far off, though. 

"Grayheart, may I have a quick word with you?" My father asked as he looked down. 

"Sure...?" I answered.

"Okay, we'll wait." Blazewhisker mewed as he sat,  distractingly swishing his tail as Moonwhisper and Honeysap sat down more calmly than Blazewhisker did. 

Then I walked with Liontail 'til we got behind a nearby bush out of earshot. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Remember when I said that Firestar gave me permission to come here?" My father recalled.

"Of course I do." What could he be thinking of?

"Well... It was a lie... And---"

"What?!" He... He couldn't be serious!!!!!

"Yes, and I'm really sorry. The truth is---"

"That you left without permission, right?" I interrupted.

Then he shyly and slowly nodded. 

"What do you think had Firestar or any thought when they had noticed you're gone?!"

"Had?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah, had!" I raised my tone. "Do you even remember how long you were here? Do you remember the warrior code?"

"Of course I do, but---"

"You lied to your clan, your family, everyone!" Then I turned to leave.

Then I heard him mutter something before he mewed, "Wait! There's more to the story!" 

I looked back at him. "Huh?"

He lowered his voice. "I told Berrynose to tell Firestar where I've gone,"

"What?!" I couldn't believe my ears. "And you trust him?!"

"Well, he is a clanmate---"

"Berrynose?! Berrynose?! Out of all cats?! Berrynose, the pain in the tail?!"

"Grayheart, you're overreacting! He was the only cat available at the moment. Think of the journey! It would do no good in ignoring your father 'til you get some sense!"

Then my fur relaxed and all of my feelings felt calm. "You'd trust any cat, would you?"

"Not unless they're my clanmate," Was my father always so calm like this? Or is he acting different?

Wise words, I thought. I guess there was no point in arguing if we're going to be together for a whole journey and back. 

"Okay," I mewed as we padded back to the others.

Warrior cats: Journey to the Mountains/ The Great Mountain JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now