Chapter 23: Leader

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Blazewhisker's POV: 

After Grayheart has told us about the dream he had, we were about to leave. Until, Night Shadow ran to us before we left, "But who's going to be our leader?"

Then all of the cats exchanged glances and turned back a nod, as if they agree.

"They're right. They need a leader, a cat who they can look up to and all agree with." Grayheart agreed.

"Yeah, who do you guys want as Stoneteller?" I asked the Tribe.

"I support Dawn Wing," spoke Turtle's Shell. "She's the one we all respect."

Then there were mews of agreement that rang through the clearing.

"Very well," I mewed in return. "Dawn Wing, do you accept?"

Then there was a pause as every cat stared at Dawn Wing, waiting for her to answer. Then Dawn Wing's response began with a nod. "I will serve my Tribe for many moons,"

Then the Tribe cheered, "Stoneteller! Stoneteller!" They chanted.

"Now that you have a leader, we shall say," Grayheart began. "Farewell everyone!"

"Farewell!" The Tribe seem to shout. 

Then Night Shadow ran up to us. "Thank you so much for giving us the most rightful leader! And thank you for coming! You know, we'll always welcome you again soon!"

"Of course, bye!" I mewed as we left the Tribe cats wishing us farewells. 

This will be a long journey back, won't it be? Expecially when I figured out that Moonwhisper is expecting my brother's kits. We were about to leave when Honeysap was saying a few more good-byes before coming back to us. That furball!

Warrior cats: Journey to the Mountains/ The Great Mountain JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now