Chapter 1 drunks tell the truth

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Harry's pov
So it's a Friday night and I'm out partying when an old 50 year old guy comes up to me telling me shit like I'm adopted and I have 4 brothers. Like the fuck? At first I thought he was lying until he shoved 5 birth certificates in my face. He told me I could save them. He was going to kill them otherwise. I might be an asshole but damn I can't let a 16, 15, 12, and 4 year old die for no fucking reason! I probably should have thought about it more but I immediately said I'd take them in. My apartment has 4 bedrooms anyway. Two of them will have to double up but he'll if they don't like it then I can shut them up real quick. I don't really know how to get children to listen to me but I can get drunk adults to shut the fuck up. I can't beat the kids though! I'm driving behind my blood relation to go get those kids and now I think reality just set in. I haven't even met the fuckers. Fuck. He started going toward the bad side of town and I was kinda laughing to myself at how clique this is! Like fuck! You're terrible and poor? Fuck now I know why I am the way I am. It must run in the family. FUCK! These kids are going to be like me but smaller?! We finally parked in front of a house. They were all sitting on the step the biggest one holding on tightly to the smallest one. I got out and walked over to them. One of them whispered to the oldest one. "Have something to say?" I asked. "No sir. No hit please no hit!" He begged. "Calm your titties I'm not going to hit you. If you have something to say though say it to me." I spoke coldly. "I just said you have a lot of tattoos like him." He whimpered. "Alright listen. I'm not going to be like him. I won't however put up with bullshit. My house my rules. Wanna break the rules either deal with the punishment or leave." I explained. They all nodded. "Let's go. You get shotgun. I need to talk to you." I said pointing to the oldest. He nodded. They all piled into my car. "Comfortable?" I chuckled. I have a mustang so there's like no room at all in the back. "Yes sir." They answered like I was going to lash out at them if they said no. "Don't lie to me! I know there's no room back there!" I laughed. The oldest smiled a little. "Atta boy!" I joked. He looked at me like he wanted to like hug me or something. I just awkwardly continued to drive. When we got there I knew the oldest was Liam, the 15 year old was Zayn, the 12 year old is Louis and the youngest is Niall. "Alright here's my building." I announced parking in my usual spot. There's only 5 apartments in here there all a full floor and mine is the 3rd floor. I unlocked my apartment and Niall started crying. "Um am I supposed to do something with him?" I asked. "Comfort him?" Liam asked. "Oh I'm not sure about that. How exactly do I do that?" I asked. "Hug him tell him he's safe and everything will be okay." Liam explained. "If you know what to do then why is he still crying?" I asked. "I just thought that if you did it he'd be more comfortable here." He shrugged. It made sense. Damn it. I picked him up and set him on my hip. "Niall it's alright no one is going to hurt you. You're safe now buddy." I tried. "Sorry. I just get scared randomly." He said in between sobs. "It's okay bud. No one is mad at you." I told him. He wiped his eyes. "You're really not like him are you?" He asked sounding relieved. "No I'm not." I replied ruffling his hair. "It's really warm in here. I love it." He smiled. "Yeah I like being warm. I don't see the point in not being warm." I said sitting down. He stayed on my lap but cuddled further into me. Um fuck. I hate people touching me. "You're warm." He breathed. "You need a bath huh? You're cold." I said standing up with him in my arms. "I can't bathe by myself." He blushed. "I know." I laughed. "How?" He asked. "You're 4 bub. No 4 year old can." I said. He shrugged. I carried him to the bathroom and sat him at the toilet. "Don't move." I said sternly so he knew I was serious. "Okay!" He said way too happily. I groaned. I started testing the water and then I started to fill up the tub. I turned around to undress him and he was gone. Knew it. I found him quickly landing two spanks to his bum before turning him to face me. "I told you to stay put didn't I?" I asked him. He nodded and I tear slipped from his eye. I picked him up. "You know why I gave you those spanks right?" I asked. "Cause I moved?" he asked. "Yes and I told you not to. That's disobeying and I don't like it." I replied. "I'm sorry Hazza." He said making me make a face. Where the hell did he get Hazza from? "It's okay just try to listen." I told him as I carried him back to the bathroom. I stopped the water when we got in there and drained a little bit of it. "Arms up." I ordered. He did. I undressed him then put him in the water. "He would never bathe me. He said if he had to do it then he'd drown me. I don't like him. I like you lots better." Niall babbled. "Thanks kid." I laughed. After he was clean and warm I got him out. I wrapped him up in my smallest towel and carried him downstairs. "Awww!" Louis said when he saw his little brother. I smirked. "Lou your gay is showing." I chuckled. He blushed like mad but I couldn't help but notice that he was beginning to cry. Fuck I need to be more careful about what I say around them. I dressed Niall into some clean pjs and sent him to find Liam. "Okay Louis, what's wrong?" I asked. I wish I cared more, but I did just meet them. "I'm gay. I get bullied all the time because I'm gay." He said while crying softly into his hands. "Look at me." I ordered. His Blue eyes slowly met my green ones. "If they give you shit about it again, call me. I'll deal with the fuckers. I don't have a problem with you being gay. I was kidding alright? Can you stop crying now?" I asked. He nodded and slowly wiped his tears away. He sat there and squirmed around in his spot where he sat. I knew he fucking wanted me to hug him. "Okay. Come here." I sighed opening my arms for him. He fell into them immediately. Fuck they better not turn me any softer than they already have. I just admitted that they changed me in less than 2 hours.Liam came down with a sleeping Niall. "Where do I put him?" I asked. "I'll show you. Lou you're going to have to let go of me." I laughed. "He's clingy. Good luck with that." Liam said straight faced. "Please Louis, I'll let you do whatever it is you're doing as soon as I get back." I told him. "Okay." He reluctantly let go of me. I noticed Liam was beginning to let Niall slip. "Here I'll take him, go relax downstairs." I told him. He nodded and handed me Niall. I carried him into the bedroom next to mine. If he cries in the night I'll be able to hear him. Zayn and Louis room will be across from mine and Liam's the farthest away from me being beside Zayn's and Louis',hope that's okay. I jogged downstairs. "Where's Zayn?" I asked. "Don't know." They both answered. Fuck. I can't yell cause I'll wake Niall up I checked the bathroom nope. I checked all the rooms nope. I went into mine to find my phone cause I thought I already lost a kid. "Hey Harry." He said sitting on my bed. I can't be mad at him he wasn't hiding from me. "Good gosh Zayn I thought I lost you already." I breathed. "Sorry I didn't mean to." He said scared. "Zayn I'm not mad." I said making him relax. "Does it take a lot to make you mad?" He asked. "Yeah it does, but don't try to make me mad. It's not a pretty sight to see." I told him. "Yes sir." He answered. I wonder what these kids have been through. "Wanna come downstairs with Liam Louis and I?" I asked. He nodded. He stood up and walked out my door. I followed. I sat down and Louis immediately clung onto me. Zayn looked longingly at us. "Come here." I sighed. Pretty soon I had two boys asleep on me. "Liam a little help from you would be highly appreciated." I chuckled lightly not to wake them. He smiled. I had two beds in the room across from me for my little sister and whatever friend she brings. We carried them up the stairs me with Zayn because he was heavier. We laid them down and walked out. "Alright it's 10:30 so I suggest you get to bed." I told him. "Yes sir. Where do I sleep?" He asked. "That door." I pointed. "Goodnight Harry. Thanks for everything." He told me. "Goodnight. There's no need to thank me though." I said and shut my door.

A/N: good? Terrible? Should I continue?

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